Saturday, December 31, 2011

Enjoying the National Zoo in DC

Before leaving DC, we visited the zoo! It was a perfect activity for Belle: fresh air, an opportunity to walk, other people to look and wave at, and animals! Highlights included the elephants and, of course, the Giant Panda.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Belle was here

If you look closely, you can see Belle's handprint on the mirror. Belle has left her mark on our DC hotel.

Reading with Mom's friend at our DC hotel

An easy way to befriend Belle is to read to her, and be patient when Belle wants to hear a book more than once. For instance, these friends who visited us Friday night in DC generously gave Belle a new adorable book. Belle wanted to hear the new book no fewer than four times the next morning. Anyway, here Belle hears a story from Alexandria and Zachary:

Enjoying the sights of DC

On Pennsylvania Avenue:

Belle napped while Seren said hello to Honest Abe:

Seren was disappointed when Lincoln did not come to life and join Starship in singing "We Built This City":

When Belle awoke from her nap, she enjoyed a monumental picnic on the Mall:

Unfortunately, they didn't invite us.

And they're not home. Belle was hoping to play with Sasha and Malia.

I bet Shabbat dinner is great in that house.

On the Road

At a rest stop in Maryland

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Belle goes Bananas (B-A-N-A-N-A-S!)

Belle loves her bananas (now that her short-lived banana-strike, when she vehemently refused to eat them, is over). She can hold and eat them all by herself, in any place she likes:

Wearing food

As I was changing into my pajamas last night, a Cheerio fell out of my top. If I had a dime for every time Belle's food ended up on me in some way, I could buy a whole new food-free wardrobe.

They grow up so fast

Belle and I had a playdate with my walking mom friends and their children yesterday at a friend's apartment in Manhattan. How the children have grown! When my friends and I first met, the babies were infants who barely moved at all. Yesterday, however, the kids were running around and playing together. What a pleasure to see how they've grown!

Here, a mom friend plays with four of Belle's friends:

A highlight of the get-together was watching the hostesses son Marc try to show Belle affection. He continually tried to give her hugs and pet her head and play with whatever she was playing with. Belle wanted nothing to do with him. She pushed him away and even cried when he hugged her. We joked about Belle playing hard-to-get; that she is practicing being a heart-breaker; that she'll regret how she pushed Marc away when their grown; how she had better not come crying to me if she doesn't have a prom date someday. Anyway, it was great fun.

This is Belle and her suitor, little Marc:

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Friday, December 23, 2011

Fill'er up!

I refilled the gas tank of the new car today for the first time. It reminded me of when Belle first finished an entire container of A+D. It took Belle a few months, and the A+D costs about as much as three gallons of gas, but it's the same idea- a milestone :)

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

If the shoe fits...

Belle put her little foot into my shoe and took a walk around the dining room:

Monday, December 12, 2011

Honesty is the best policy

Belle had a little meltdown in Target this afternoon. She was screaming and crying and wasn't happy in my arms or on her feet. I finally calmed her down by giving her a $2 hair comb to hold in one hand and my house keys in her other. After her tears ceased, I rushed to get through the check-out line to get my cranky Belle home. I was nearly at the car when I noticed that the $2 comb that I had not paid for was still in Belle's hand. It occurred to me just to go home with the comb in Belle's hand. I am sure I'll be back to that Target soon and I could pay the $2 at that time. No, that's stealing. I thought about leaving the comb in the Target cart in the parking lot, but I figured it would likely get taken before the cart returned to the store. So, despite Belle's protests, I did the right thing. I picked Belle up, which made her cry (she was happier walking), took the comb from her hand, which made her scream, and ran back into the store to the service desk. There I put the comb down on the counter and said, "I am sorry. I accidentally took this comb." So, back where I started before the comb touched Belle's hand (that is, with a melting-down baby), I know honesty was the way to go.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Friday, December 9, 2011

Belle's new chair

Belle is so excited for her Belle-sized (and personalized) chair!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

"I'm the greatest"

Another trip down wardrobe memory lane:

Belle is wearing my (or her Uncle JoJo's) old top. The front says "I'm the Greatest"

And the back reads "Just ask Grandma."

So true :)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Belle's First Piano Lesson

I think she's on her way to success.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Ladies' Dance Party

A before-bed dance party to Beyonce.