Sunday, June 30, 2013

Take me out to the....choo choo train

We joined our synagogue on an outing to a Rockland Boulders baseball game today. It was a really fun afternoon, though Belle enjoyed running around with the other kids, playing on the on-site playground, and riding the train that circled the stadium more than the game. Emily enjoyed the attention of Belle's new friends, too. It was a great way to spend a summer Sunday!


New Lego Store in White plains. Uncle Jeff, I'm sure, wishes he were here.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Cousin Noah's super fun third birthday party!

Belle and her cousins and the birthday boy Cousin Noah's friends played at a gym before they indulged in treats (Belle especially enjoyed the Mickey Mouse shaped lollipop and the gorgeous and delicious Mickey Mouse cake made by Cousin Diana). Both Belle and Emily fell asleep in the stroller en route to Washington Square Park, where we spent the entire afternoon playing with cousins, including two families of Ceplers from Toronto visiting for the weekend- July 1 is Canada Day so they have a long weekend. Grandpa Richard took Belle for ice cream, which she ate and wore. It was a really wonderful day. Happy third birthday, Noah (on July 2).

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Still 8 months old

Belle was a little over eager to teach Emily how to use a sippy cup, so Emily needed to change into dry clothes. At least I finally got around to opening and reading my Mother's Day cards (Mothers's Day was May 12).

Emily is 8 months old today

I will try to get a better pic.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Music class

Joey and Belle jump up and down (and up and down and up and down)
Belle and Leora old hands and dance together
Emily is sick of the paparazzi. Actually, Emily fell asleep on me in the middle of the class. Music class is exhausting!

Emily is moving...

Emily is moving...backwards! She pushed herself all around the kitchen in this seated position while I made dinner (and Belle played in the playroom).

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Beating the heat with Joey and Mina (and Debbie)

Belle did not actually go down the slide head-first; she was just being silly

Monday, June 24, 2013

Our picnic dinner on the kitchen floor

6am at our house

Emily and I have been been up for an hour (Belle only for 40 min; 5:05 and 5:25am wake-ups this morning).

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Belle's excitement to play in the sprinklers

I told Belle that I saw going to get the sprinkler going in the backyard.  Belle immediately disappeared and returned to me holding her swimsuit and a swimming diaper.  "Can you help me put this on, please?"  She asked so sweetly and excitedly, and I saw so impressed that she collected the necessary water play items all by herself.  I told her that she didn't need the swim diaper since she is now potty trained.  She held the diaper in her hand, thought for a second, then smiled widely and tossed the diaper over her shoulder.
At moments like this, I think, "Where did my baby go?"  Sometimes Belle shows me that she is a little girl.  A beautiful, sweet, affectionate, polite little girl.  I am one lucky mommy.

Then, the munchkins enjoyed the water

A fabulous play date

My walking mom friends traveled from NYC with their kiddos for a play date in the "country" today. I had 8 moms and 12 kiddos over for lunch and chatting, and playing

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

My least favorite verse of The Wheels on the Bus

I took my munchkins to 'Circle Time' at a local public library.  Twas fun!  We warmed up singing songs, including The Wheels on the Bus.  I HATE that, after the babies on the bus go "waaaa waaaa waaaa," the mommies on the bus go, "shhhh shhhh shhh," and then the daddies on the bus go, 'I love you I love you I love you."  Why do the mommies have the be the enforcers, and then the dads get to come in later and just be nice? 

C'mon, The Wheels on the Bus singers, cut the mommies some slack.

I always lean in to Belle and sing "The mommies on the say, 'I love you...'" and then "The daddies on the bus say, 'I love you too...'"

The Cepler Grandchildren

Jericho edition. Father's day was the first time all 6 of my parents' grandchildren were together.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Belle tucked her stuffed animals in. "Sssshhhh, Mommy. Don't wake them up." And reading with Daddy.

Best. Carrots. Ever.

Feeding a goat at the Bronx Zoo

This picture is chock full of kids.  That's Grandpa Richard in the background.

Monday, June 17, 2013

An exhausting walk

Debbie visits

My former roommate Debbie visited en route from Philly to Phoenix, AZ (sort of).  The girls enjoyed playing with her.  We'll have to pay a visit to southwest to see her again soon.

Happy (late) Father's Day!

Breakfast in bed with the girls. What a fun start to the week!

Sunday, June 16, 2013


Belle helps Daddy with the yard work.


Friday, June 14, 2013

French braid

Leah and Jordan came over and Leah put Belle French braids in Belle's hair.