Tuesday, May 27, 2014

We are having fun!

Emily having fun!

Tea party!

Mina came over for a tea party while her big brother went to his T-ball clinic.

Monday, May 26, 2014

At the playground

Holding hands

Returning to our picnic area after a bike ride in front of the dam. All three holding hands.

Swinging with Leila

Leila is my Tufts friend's older daughter. They all met us at the a Kensico Dam for a play date and a picnic today.

Grandpa Richard and Emily

Helping Daddy make pancakes from scratch

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Riding her bike in a silly way

Considerate Belle

Saturday morning, Belle came into our room excited to announce that she'd stayed in her room all night (as opposed to crawling quietly onto the big, comfy chair in our master bedroom; she's been staying in her room all night for about a week straight now).  It was 6:20am.

Craig said, "Belle, Mommy and Daddy are so tired.  Could you play quietly by yourself so we can stay in bed a little longer?"

40 minutes.  Belle played by herself in her bedroom quietly for 40 minutes.  No iPad.  No TV.  No friend or little sister.

When I finally got up at 7am, I thanked Belle for being so considerate.  She said proudly, "I played quietly so I wouldn't wake anyone up!"  She said she talked to herself, but she talked very quietly.  This Sunday morning, I heard Belle get out of bed at 6:15am, but she didn't come into our room or bother us.  Just before 7am, Belle came to my side of the bed and whispered, "Mommy I read this book to myself. Can you read it to me now please?"  So, she'd been quietly playing by herself for nearly 45 minutes until she decided she wanted company.

Emily also slept past 7am both mornings this weekend.  This means that Craig and I both were able to stay in bed until 7am this weekend!  What a treat!

I am proud of Belle's ability to entertain herself.  I am proud of how considerate she is.  I'd pat myself on the back, but I'm pretty sure Belle just came out this way: a beautiful, considerate, sweet child.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Unbelievable Belle

1. Belle started making her bed in the morning. She sees me making our bed, and she goes to her room and pulls up the sheet and blanket. She also often tucks her "friends" in when she makes her bed. Cute, and quite helpful.

2. I ran into a colleague today at the grocery store who remarked that Emily is cute and Belle is so beautiful. I asked Belle how she came to be so beautiful and she said, "you!" What a sweetheart.

3. Is there a better food than ice cream?

Snuggling, sleeping Emily

At ballet class

Emily is nearly ready to join Big Sister Belle at ballet. Emily certainly attempts to imitate everything Belle does....

Sisterly love

At Hazels, enjoying grilled cheeses, Grammy & Grampy, and each other.

Monday, May 19, 2014

An honorary member of the family

Belle helps the birthday girl Mina and her brother Joey, cousins, and Daddy open birthday presents. Belle fits right in with the fam.

Molly's "Pirates and Mermaids" birthday party!

Playing nicely together

Emily's new words

This weekend,  Emily very clearly wanted to be held when she said,  "up," and lifted her arms. 

She also asked,  "push" when she was in a swing (we went to playgrounds both days this weekend), and when she climbed into the rocking chair in her bedroom. 

Another chatty Cepler! 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Emily and Jackson

My Tufts friend's son. 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Emily is 18-months old!

Emily is 18-months old! She is smiling and giggling and giving great hugs and high-fives.  At her well-visit to the pediatrician on May 2, we learned that Emily weighs 25 pounds, 6 ounces (85th percentile), is 32 inches long (55th percentile), and has a head circumference of 18.5 inches (69th percentile).  This means that Emily is growing at a healthy rate, and also jumped up in her growth curve (she is at higher percentiles all around).  Wonderful!  Stay healthy and happy, Emily!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Playing dress-up

Emily came to me with this dress-up dress after she saw Belle all dressed up.

Belle and Mina

A young Shake Shack fan

Monday, May 12, 2014

Mommy in training

I tucked Belle in her bed nicely and didn't hear from her again.  When I poked in her room to kiss her goodnight before I went to bed, I found that she'd tucked in her "friends" (Princess Belle, a stuffed giraffe, and a baby) and put herself to sleep in a different part of the bed with an extra pillow and blanket.  She is a wonderful Mommy to her friends.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Gaga And Emily

Happy Mother's Day!

Beautiful Belle

Cafe sign from Newport.

Loving sisters, take 2

Loving sisters!

Nothing is more beautiful.

Belle and Grampy and The Bushnell

A special treat for Belle: Beauty and the Beast at the Bushnell in Hartford with Grammy and Gtampy! Belle's review of the show: "I liked it super duper much!"

Joe Cool (Emily)

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

An Accountant's Granddaughter

Belle playing with a calculator.

Monday, May 5, 2014


Belle said, "I can count backwards! 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 1! I've been practicing all week!"  

"Great!" I said.  "Can you count backwards starting with 10?"

Belle paused, thought about it for a second, and said, "10 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1."