Monday, September 28, 2015

Beautiful Lengths thanks Belle

Celebrating a friend's birthday

Being silly,  and holding hands while listening to instructions. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

LEGOS at the Highline

At the Highline

Pony rides!

The girls both enjoyed them after having their faces painted at the annual Schechter BBQ.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Mother daughter climbing

Happy new year from Belle

How to say "I love you"

Last night was Back to School Night at Belle's school.  We met Belle's teachers, saw her classroom, and learned more about her kindergarten experience.

The teachers invited us parents to sit at our child's seat and to write our child a "letter of love."  Craig and I wrote a little note and drew a picture which we left in the classroom for Belle to enjoy when her teachers deem it appropriate.

Glancing around at what other parents wrote to their children, I enjoyed all the different ways parents tell their child they love them.

One mom signed her letter to her son "I love you always (and no matter what)."  Another mom wrote, "I love you to the moon and back" which is the final line of the children's book Guess How Much I Love You?  This reminded me of how we used to say goodbye to my grandparents after visits: by saying "love you" five times, each time with a kiss.  

I like to tell the girls that I love them every second of every minute of every hour of every day forever and ever and ever and ever.

Belle-isms learning about school

It is a joy watching Belle learn about school.  Everything is new and exciting! 

Last week, Belle ate lunch at school for the first time.  She explained, expressively and excitedly, that the cafeteria IS the gym! They just move tables into it! "I didn't know that!" she said, thrilled with her new knowledge.

She was also excited that her school has a cemetery.  


Calmly, I asked for clarification: "Belle, there's a cemetery at your school?"

Belle explained, "Yeah! It's where we went for davening on Friday morning! Can you believe it?! A cemetery at my school?!"

I figured it out: "Belle, do you mean sanctuary?

"Oh. Yeah. A sanctuary."

I am enjoying this, and I know it will be different when Emily starts school. Emily will likely be at Belle's school for various events, and Emily will have the benefit of Belle preparing her for school. This acquisition of brand new information is unique to a first child experiencing something brand new.

Playing at Joey & Mina's 9-17

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Emily's ballet class

As seen on the closed circuit tv

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Feeling the K-love


Me: Belle, how was your first day of Kindergarten?
Belle: Great! I LOVED it!

She was so excited that she gets to go back to school tomorrow that she couldn't fall asleep tonight.

Dance party at Nadia's house

Sunday, September 6, 2015