Monday, July 30, 2018

Sadie’s art: fish swimming with bubbles above the water

Emily’s letter to Belle

"Dear Belle
How are you doing

More Hibachi!

Hibachi Party!

Walking in with Grandpa Leon.
Hanging with Liam and Scarlett
Enjoying the appetizer
Sharing appetizers with Grandpa
Enjoying edamame shell

Thursday, July 26, 2018

One happy camper

Emily zips

Emily and I stayed after camp so she could play on the playground:

Sadie's "Oh boy!"

Sadie imitates everything we say. Here she is saying "oh boy!"

Belle’s prepared

Sun hat. Water bottle. Rain boots: Belle looks ready for anything based on this candid the camp shared.
(Note that in every other picture of her, she's smiling and with new camp friends)

Painting: the messier, the better!

Sadie paints at Ms Deya’s

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Belle’s bunk

Before running off, Belle took a selfie of her bed.

This was it. We hugged, and she went to play with her new friends.

The future is female

Saying “so long” to our camper