Sunday, July 19, 2009

Shabbat 3

Happy Sunday night from Jerusalem. Thanks go to Rachel Z. of Pardes for allowing us to use her computer.

I'm just going to recap Shabbat itself. We did fun things Thursday pm (Dead Sea) and Friday am (explored the Old City of Jerusalem) but won't discuss them here.

Friday night, we went to a shul named Yakar, around the corner from our apartment. It was in a community center (I think) and there were two services. Downstairs was solemn singing. We figured that out soon enough and went to the upstairs minyan (thank you Seren for exploring the building). Upstairs was a very traditional Carlebach-style davening, complete with many of the same songs as we had heard the previous Shabbats. This time, however, instead of being atop the Pardes building or the Kotel, we squeezed 100 people in a room for 75. Therefore, as everyone sang, the words echoed and the spirit reverberated throughout the room. I find this echoing effect to be very spiritual and a wonderful aid to my Shabbat.

It is interesting to compare my three Friday night services. Week 1 was on top the Pardes building as the wind blew and the sun set. Nature was a primary focus in addition to the singing, and the spiritual came through as nature affected the service. Week 2 was in front of the Kotel in the midst of a gestalt (seren's word) of dozens of little minyans packed in together. The spirituality came in through the diverse Jewish groups (from left to right; happy singing to old man muttering) coming together to welcome in Shabbat in the same place, together even if we all prayed together. Week 3 was a Shabbat for the voices singing in unison and echoing throughout the room. The service was uplifted because of that as each person's singing aiding his neighbor's religious spirit.

After services, we went to our Pardes friend Matt's for a dinner. In keeping the theme of the evening, he fit and fed 25ish people in his apartment. The intimacy was fantastic and we all had a good time.

Saturday morning, we went to a service that was similar to Shira Hadasha (see Week 1) but in a gym and more Israeli. This one seemed to be a breakaway minyan to SH - what happens when people tire of SH. It was held in a community center gym (complete with basketball nets) and kids running all over. The acoustics were iffy, but the people were nice. And best of all, my darling wife got an Aliyah (was called to say the blessings over the Torah as it was read). Was tres cool. She was a happy camper, as was her supportive husband.

After shul, we went to lunch at Samantha's of Pardes, who made a delicious lunch for more people than could fit in her apartment. Matt and Samantha did a wonderful job of bringing together our small community for a final Shabbat before most of us go our separate ways.

After lunch, we napped. And then, we went to the home of the Director of the Pardes Summer Program for Seudah Shlishit (the 3rd meal of Shabbat, often neglected by us). He served a deconstructed nicoise salad (brilliant!) as we dined outside as if we were in Tuscany and discussed Jewish topics, Pardes, David Levin-Kruss (the host)'s view of Shabbat, etc. It was wonderful to be able to talk to DLK and our classmates in a relaxed environment and to share our respective approaches to Judaism. DLK does not believe in many right answers and that is something that both Seren and I appreciate.

We did havdalah (service at conclusion of Shabbat) at DLK's and then went home to grab money and meet Dave at Shnitzie's for some shnitzel on Emek Refaim. Junk food is so bad and yet so delicious.


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