Friday, January 21, 2011

Reaching for the stars (and everything else...)

Belle has developed the skill to reach out and grab things. She mostly pulls items toward her mouth once they're in her grip, but her reach and grasp are quite impressive! She can pull the plastic handle on her bouncy seat that makes the 30-second song play. She can hold onto the toys and stuffed animals on her playmat. She can remove my glasses and pull my shirt collars (the days of necklaces and dangling earrings on over for now). She can reach out for the pacifier when it is presented to her, but she can't quite get it into her mouth the right way (she often tries furiously to suck on the side of the pacifier that is usually flush against her face since she can't quite get the sucking part toward her lips). Belle is even able to reach up, grab and pull away the modesty apron (or 'hooter hider, as her father so delicately calls the contraption I wear to cover myself when I am nursing Belle in front of others), as if to say, "Hey, everybody: here are my mom's boobs!" But I'll tolerate that because now, when I hold her, she holds me back, resting one of her tiny beautiful hands on my collarbone while the hand holds onto my arm.

In addition to her abilities to reach and grasp and move and manipulate things with her hands, Belle, as most babies do, has become flexible. She can touch her toes, and loves reaching her left hand to her right foot and vise versa. She is able to put her feet in her mouth, but currently chooses not to, to her dad's disappointment (Craig is waiting to capture the photo of Belle eating her toes).

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