Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Gym babysitting

The gym to which I belong offers babysitting at a nominal fee during certain hours of the day. Since today was not a regular walking day, I decided to try to the gym. As luck would have it, five children were leaving the babysitting room when we entered so Belle had the room (and the care-taker) all to herself. I left to use a cardio machine and Belle didn't even notice my departure (isn't this the age when there is supposed to be some separation anxiety? So far, Belle only fusses for Mommy when she is tired; otherwise, she is happy with anyone). I watched my phone for a frantic call from the babysitting room, which was really only about 50 yards from my elliptical machine, but no such call came. So, I moved and sweat and enjoyed a guilty pleasure- Millionaire Matchmaker on Bravo (I would love to be a professional matchmaker!).

When I was finished working out, I returned to the babysitting room to find one of the gym's personal trainers watching Belle and the gym's babysitter playing. He told me my baby was adorable (how wonderful to hear compliments about Belle from strangers). Anyway, Belle was happy to see me upon my return, but had a great report from the babysitter- no fussing at all! So, when I can get to the gym during babysitting hours, I see that Belle is happy to be left to play. It makes me feel more confident going into next school year, when I plan to return to work and leave Belle with another caregiver, that Belle will be just fine.

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