Friday, July 8, 2011

Belle and her boyfriend

Now that Belle can crawl, that's all she wants to do. She is unhappy sitting in the stroller for too long because she gets antsy and wants to move. I was on a mission to find a dress for an upcoming special event and I knew I needed assistance for the shopping trip. So, Belle's boyfriend (the one-year-old whom she "kissed") and his mother Lauren joined us on our trip to Loehmann's. While I sifted through dresses, Lauren had the brilliant idea to put the babies near a mirror facing each other. That offered such entertainment that I was able to find a few fun items to try on!

(Yes, the babies have the same stroller in different colors)

Later, at another store where I found a skirt for Belle, we let Belle and her boyfriend out of the strollers. He can walk and walked right over to where Belle was crawling and leaned over to give Belle a hug. She played hard-to-get and squirmed out of his hug. One day perhaps she'll learn not to push away cute boys.

So excited to be out of the stroller and moving, the two cutie pies played together. Belle learned that, though she was not interested in her boyfriend's hugs, his fingers are delicious:

The two babies played together adorably. I was so appreciative of my friend's presence and help, as I could not have gone shopping without her!

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