Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Day one of weaning

In an effort to wean Belle off the middle-of-the-day nursing session, I introduced her to cow's milk today. I offered her a sippy cup of milk instead of her nursing her before her afternoon nap. She was not interested in either the milk nor the nap. Eventually, I got her to take a few sips of milk through a straw that I put into an open cup of milk. She drank those few sips well, though didn't nap until after some time at the playground. She woke up from her nap cranky and hungry. Dinner went well, and was accompanied by another sip of milk.

It looks like I'll get to drink milk one sip at a time...

Highlight of the day? Belle started saying "Mama" and "Mom." She is just babbling (ie, she is not called me "mom"), but she can make the sound! I am so excited for her to call me "Mommy."

1 comment:

  1. LOL, sounds just like Allison! She never liked cows milk (until just recently actually). I was able to wean her at 19 months (when I was pg with Jack) by using lollipops as a substitute. I win mom of the year award for that, haha! Good luck :)
