Friday, September 30, 2016

Delicious breakfast

The other day, in my ENL (English as a new language) class, students were sharing foods central to their home cultures. Students from El Salvador mentioned their papusas, which I had never heard of. One students was so surprised that I'd never heard of or eaten a papusa, he took it upon himself to educate me in the most delicious possible way. He asked his mother to make me a papusa, which he delivered to me in my first period class. It is made from a homemade corn tortilla with cheese, similar to a quesadilla or arepa, but distinctly different. It was delicious! And so thoughtful of the student. What a wonderful breakfast!

Monday, September 26, 2016

Plan B

Plan A was for Belle and me to go to her first Mets game. When she woke up sick, we switched to plan B. Emily and I biked the Bronx River and hit Carvel. Then Belle and I brought the Mets to our house and watched on tv. We even sang the National Anthem, threw out a first pitch and had ice cream in a Mets helmet, while the Mets won 17-0!

Friday, September 23, 2016

Emily's best school project yet

Notice the detail in the family portrait she drew.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Heart of gold

Belle is an extremely compassionate and empathetic child.

Last week, Craig was going away for two nights for work.  Belle asked where he was going, where he would sleep, and whom he'd be with.  When she learned he'd be solo in a hotel room for two nights, she cried worrying about Craig being lonely:  "I don't want Daddy to be lonely all alone in a hotel room!"

Last night, in preparation for the Tooth Fairy's visit, Belle asked me for $2.  She explained that the Tooth Fairy gave her $2 when she lost her first tooth, so Belle worried that the Tooth Fairy may run out of money for other children.  Belle wanted to return her $2 instead of receiving $2 more.

A heart of gold.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Belle lost her second tooth today!

She pulled it out herself this morning at school!

Sunday, September 18, 2016


At Zohar's birthday party.

Friday, September 16, 2016

My trip to Glens Falls

Featuring someone who wanted to come home with me and a book title quiz.

What happens when my keys are in the wrong car

Emily and I biked to her school so I could go to the high school and pick up the keys from seren's car.

Glow-in-the-dark bouncing