Friday, November 29, 2013

Belle and Grammy

The future's so bright, Emily's gotta wear shades

Emily's new ride

One-handed walking!

An English teacher's dream quote

Three-year-old Belle, upon seeing a picture of William Shakespeare,  declared,  "Mommy,  that's the man who wrote the 'Romeo and Juliet' book! "
I am so proud. 


Thursday, November 28, 2013

A Visit to Grandma Ann's

The QuadriCeps visited Grandma Ann on Sunday.  The girls enjoyed their Grandma cookies, Belle sat in Lou's office on the phone and admired the shells while Emily enjoyed hanging out with Grandma.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Monday, November 25, 2013

Belle's Thanksgiving Feast!

Parents were invited to help celebrate Thanksgiving at Belle's school. What fun!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Night Out

Tonight is my first overnight away from Emily.  I miss both little girls dearly. (I don't anticipate missing them when I sleep past 7am tomorrow).
Relatedly, I can't remember the last time I put on make-up or blowdried my hair. 
Mazel tov, Allie & Eric Garfunkel!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Officer Daddy

BELLE:  Mommy, is Daddy a policer officer?
SEREN: No, sweetie. Why?
BELLE:  So he is just an officer, but he is not a police officer?
SEREN:  Why do you think Daddy is an officer, Belle?
BELLE;  Well, he works in an office.  So, he's an officer.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Emily's one-year check-up

Emily is growing well, and finally on the move.  She weighed in at 19 lbs 4 oz, which is the 40th percentile, and measured 28.5 inches long, which is the 25th percentile: she's a peanut.  Her head is 17.5 inches in diameter (35th percentile).  Yum, Emily is a peanut.

Emily had been sick earlier in the week so the doctor thought it best to postpone her shots. So, we'll be back to the doctor's office again to get Emily properly immunized.

Emily is smiley and sweet and happy.  She is also chatty: she babbles up a storm!

Dads, too....

Reading books

With Daddy and our friend Laurie

Not everyone gets an extra hour of sleep tonight...