Thursday, September 27, 2012

Interesting nap

Belle took a long and late nap today (3-5:30pm) at Nadia's.  She apparently told Nadia that she didn't need to nap.  That only babies take naps.  No, Belle didn't need to nap.  She's not a baby.  So Belle picked up all her "babies" and lay them down and said "night night" to them so they could nap.  And then she passed out.  On the floor of the playroom.  For over two and a half hours.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Kisses for boo boo

Belle had a meltdown at the end of our walk today, likely because the walk was extremely extended due to us running into half a dozen friend and neighbors (I love our neighborhood).  She asked to "go uppy" (be carried) when we were still 3 blocks from home.  I carried her a block, and then my back started to really ache.  I put her down and told her she had to walk because Mommy's back hurt.  Belle immediately said, "I kiss Mommy's back."  She ran behind me, lifted my shirt a bit, and kissed my back.  Then she said, "I kissed Mommy's boo boo.  Uppy, please."

Turn Turn Turn

We finally turned Belle's car seats around so she now faces forward. Infants all face the rear of the car, as rear-facing is safer for young babies and kids with weak and forming neck muscles. Just when Belle was born, the new recommendation extended rear-facing car seat time from one- to two-years old. Belle never complained about facing the back of the car, so we kept her rear-facing (and safer) in our cars until this yesterday. Another milestone in Belle's development.

Happy girl

Belle was one happy little 2-year-old this morning (playing with
Daddy's computer with cream cheese on her cheek).

Friday, September 21, 2012

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Swimming class

Belle LOVED her first swim class at the Y.  Both Daddy and Belle were all smiles for the entire 30 minute class.  It was a joy to watch.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Preparing for a Lifetime of Disappointment

I was at Duane Reade the other day and noticed all their summer items were deeply discounted.  So among other things, I picked up a foam baseball and bat set.  It was lying on the floor, when, Seren reports, Belle saw it and said, "Let's Go Mets!"

I'm proud of Belle for this.  And I guess I'll feel bad when she learns to be disappointed by them year after year.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Epilogue to "Done sleeping, Mommy."

I got home at 10pm on Sunday to Seren and Belle rocking in the chair.  Belle was wide awake.  When I got home, she ran around.  So we brainstormed.  Belle and I laid down on the mat on the floor to try to sleep together.  After about 5 minutes, Belle took her pacifier out, gave it to me, rubbed my back and said, "going downstairs to Mommy.  Night night Daddy." 

So we watched some football.  I figured it'd let her relax on the couch.  After all, I can fall asleep that way.  We pulled the blanket over us on the couch and after about 15 minutes, I thought it was working.  So we went up to the crib.  It hadn't worked.

Next idea was to take a walk.  We gave Belle a sweatshirt and went out in the stroller at 1130.  And we walked.  And Belle was just impressed by the quiet, still night and the stars in the sky.  She didn't know she was supposed to sleep.

So we got home and pulled the trifecta.  Tylenol, bath, book.  Belle took a bath, I read her a book, and we gave her some Tylenol.  She was mostly asleep in my lap, and then passed out in the crib.  At 1:15am.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Nadia braided Belle's hair today to keep it out of her face. Beautiful!
(Too bad I took the pic during Belle's dinner bc her face is a mess).

Second best to "I love you"

Last night Belle started giving me real kisses. Today she continued. "Kiss Mommy's cheek" followed by sweet, 2-year-old Belle kisses. Love it.

Our budding fashionista

Belle fought me when I tried to get her dressed this morning. She
rejected the outfit I picked out for her and refused to wear certain
items of clothing ("no pants!"). Craig eventually got her dressed in
an outfit upon which they agreed: a brand new pair of jeans, a Snoopy
t-shirt with a Canadian flag, a zip-up sweatshirt from Montreal, and
Belle's nice white sandals. The twos are here, as so are Belle's
opinions, especially about what she wears.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Belle at nursery school

Belle is on the right in polka dots, sitting next to a classmate on a mini-couch and also next to the teacher who is reading the class a book.  Not that she is fine while her father is across the room taking her picture.
She is going to love school!

Ready for First Day of Nursery School

And no tears yet for either of us.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Night Before School

I remember when I was a kid, I could never fall asleep on the night before school started.  I was nervous and would toss and turn.

I just got a report from Seren that it's 9:45 and Belle said to her, "Done sleeping mommy."  She won't sleep tonight.  Maybe she has her father's nerves.  Tomorrow is the first day of nursery school.

Friday, September 7, 2012


Last night, Craig and I met Belle's future nursery school teachers at a meeting welcoming families to the school. The head of the early education program offered opening remarks, which she closed with one of the most meaningful bits of parenting advice I've heard yet. She said that it is human nature to compare your child to other children: is my child demonstrating similar skills to her classmates? But the most important question you should ask regarding your child is: is my child happy? The director of Belle's nursery school said that the greatest gift you can give your child is a carefree childhood.

This philosophy makes me think Belle is at the right nursery school. There will be plenty of time for competition and high-stakes assessments and rankings among peers. But, while Belle can, she should have fun and be happy.

So, thank you, Mom/Hilary/Helene and Dad/Elcon/Richard, for the happy childhoods Seren and Craig enjoyed. I hope we can give Belle a similarly carefree youth.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Home Office

Belle took a phone call this morning from her home office - the laundry basket in Daddy's closet.

Some Morning Music


Sunday, September 2, 2012

Further Plans

After car nap time, we decided to go to Stew Leonards.  It started well because immediately when we went in, there were samples of mac and cheese.  Then, Belle saw the animatronic animals and became petrified.  I think she fell into the uncanny valley, a theory of robotics that suggests people are fine with robots which are either very much unlifelike or those very close to lifelike.  Between the two ends, however, we are revulsed of the robot.  See

Anyway, Belle was scared of some of the animals singing and mooing.  But then she was happy when she saw the real thing outside the store.

At pizza dinner

Belle and Sam.

Belle and Sam

Playing with and holding hands with Sam! :)

The Best Laid Plans

We decided this morning to take a field trip to the Botanical Gardens in the Bronx. We pile in the car and start on our way. Belle fell asleep within 10 minutes. So now we're running errands with Belle asleep in the car.