Friday, January 31, 2020

Belle is proud of the castle she built

Sadie 3-year-old check-up

Sadie had her three-year check-up recently. She is doing very well! She is 38 inches tall (74th percentile) and weights 30.5 pounds (44th percentile), so she is "long and lean" 🙂
More importantly, she is doing all that she should be doing at her age and more! She knows her colors and numbers; her letters and the days of the week. And she can physically do quite a bit, such as skip and climb and jump and follow directions. Keep up the great work, Sadie!

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Belle and Emily sled, too!


Lauren and Sadie sled in Lauren's backyard!

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

The Zoo

Tooth Fairy

Belle lost a tooth last night. I told her I'd notify the Tooth Fairy. In an attempt to prove to Belle, who knows what's up, that I can in fact contact the Tooth Fairy, I added the TF to my contacts.

(Well, I really just temporarily changed Craig's name in by my contacts to Tooth Fairy. Shhhhhh. I hope my secret is safe with you.)

Monday, January 13, 2020


We went to the Bronx Zoo on Sunday because it was 60+ and sunny. Emily and Sadie befriended peacocks.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Craig and his ladies

Walking through the zoo

Saturday, January 11, 2020