Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Pre-bedtime giggles

The girls got themselves into the laundry basket and then giggled.

Belle is four, Emily is two

Belle went for her four-year check-up last month. She is growing
well! She measured 13 inches tall (84th percentile) and just over 40
pounds (96th percentile). She took her shots like a camp, and enjoyed
her lollipop reward.

Emily went for her two-year check up today. She, also, is on the
right track. She is 34.5 inches tall, which puts her in the 77th
percentile. I asked the doctor to measure her two more times after
the PA measured her at 35.5 inches (93rd percentile). I'm still
uncertain of the accuracy of the measuring. Emily weighed in at 28.5
pounds (68th percentile). Belle was a huge help at Emily's check-up.
The doctor listened to Belle's heart, then Emily's (after Emily saw
Belle be brave, and even smile at the stethoscope). The doctor looked
into Belle's ears, eyes, nose, mouth so Emily could see how gentle the
doctor would be. Both little blondis were rewarded with a lollipop
and bandage.

Stay healthy and grow well, my girls!

Craig's braid

He decorates cakes and he braids hair. Craig is a super star dad. 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Happy Emily and Max

Emily is so happy to play with her boyfriend (of kissing fame) Max at Nadia's house.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Happy birthday girl!

Not long after Belle finished her cupcake, she asked to return to her classroom. What a delight that Belle enjoys school so much! Emily's teacher (Belle's former teacher), Ms. Lori, walked Belle back to her classroom, and Emily and I shared a few more giggles before it was time to leave.

Oh, the fun we had!

The cupcakes were yummy, and the giggles were plentiful.

Emily's birthday celebration at school

I went to the girls' school today to help Emily celebrate her birthday in her classroom. I picked up Belle from her classroom on my way to Emily's classroom. Emily was elated to see us, and Belle got the first Emily hug. Emily's teacher gave her a birthday hat and she got to press the button that makes the birthday bear sing "Happy birthday." It was a lovely midday treat!

Emily is two!

Friday, October 24, 2014

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Kiss

Emily holds Max's face in her hands so she can give him a good kiss. Notice her puckering.

Emily kisses Max

Among the habits Emily should break before she reaches her adolescent years: grabbing boys faces and kissing them on the mouth.

Kissing Emily

Emily and Max, who is only a month or so older than Emily, have been buddies at Nadia's house for over a year. Emily feels so close to Max, she decided that she wanted to kiss him yesterday. So she did. On the mouth. ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Monday, October 20, 2014

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Daddy's girl

Emily loves her father. Often, I'll go to take her out of the crib in the morning, but she'll lie back down when she sees me and ask for Daddy. She'd rather stay in her crib longer and be rescued by her father than get her clean diaper and breakfast earlier. This kiddo loves her Daddy.

Cousins Scarlett and Liam

Six cute kiddos with Grandma Helene and Grandpa Richard

Monday, October 13, 2014

Snacking among the pumpkins

Our take-away from The Pickin Patch

Reliving my childhood

I have fond memories of the free hayride out to the pumpkin patch to pick my very own pumpkin that my father would carve while my mother roasted its seeds. With our day off from school, I relived that memory with Belle and Emily. Here we are at the Pickin Patch in Avon.

Emily's future is bright that one set of shades isn't enough

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Cousin lunch

Belle and Emily, Noah and Mia