Friday, August 23, 2019

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Table for 7, please

Blue Bay Diner in Queens

Belle pushes herself

Climbing to the top!

Emily then Belle

More climbs

Sisters climbing together

At High Exposure in NJ

Fun times and silly faces

With walking moms

The adventures of Seren’s car keys

So I dropped my keys down a sewer grate this morning on my way to an appointment. The first thing I did was call Craig frantically. He asked for the address of my appointment and immediately dropped what he was doing, grabbed the second set of car keys, and jumped in his car to bring me replacement car keys.

In the meantime, the security guard at the building where my appointment was used an industrial flashlight to ascertain that the sewer drain was dry and shallow. Then he contacted a member of the maintenance staff who used a long magnetic rod to retrieve my keys from the grate.

I called Craig back to abort the plan. He was already on his way so he asked me to confirm that the key still functioned properly despite its fall and contact with a magnet. I did so and it did, so Craig resumed morning.

The security guard with his bright flashlight and the maintenance worker with his magnetic rod were both extremely helpful, but Craig is the hero of this story from my perspective. I called him frantic. You know what he DID NOT say? He did NOT say, "what kind of idiot drops her keys down a sewer?!" He did NOT say, "I don't have time for this." He did NOT say, "Good luck retrieving your keys." He did NOT even utter an expletive (I uttered plenty). He was calm and supportive and helpful. He didn't make me feel bad and he didn't hesitate to offer his services.

And that's why I married him.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Liberty Science Center Skyscraper exhibit

Hurricane simulator
Wind tunnel experience
Construction worker balance challenge


Sean Kenney's LEGO art at the Liberty Science Center