Friday, December 31, 2010

I am not a bed.

It's not that I mind terribly when Belle falls asleep on me. Serving as a bed for a small, snugly sleeping baby is one of the warmest feelings in the world. The way Belle nuzzles her head into my neck, trusts me, and sleeps soundly and comfortably on me is truly beautiful.

It's just that Craig and I invested in a brand new beautiful crib, a top-of-the-line crib mattress, and adorable, soft crib bedding. Yet for a good portion of last night (about four hours: 3-7am), Belle preferred to snooze on me while I sat on the couch holding her. As much as I love holding her, I would love even more if Belle slept in the crib we bought for her. And I happen to prefer sleeping lying down in my bed to dozing on and off while sitting up holding a highly precious bundle.

Maybe it's the warmth of Mommy that Belle so enjoys. Or perhaps being upright is most comfortable for her reflux and her cold. Or maybe it's just a fussy phase that, as a first-time mom, I am accidentally encouraging.

The fact is, she cries when I put her down, so I scoop her back up and hold her. As I type this blog entry one-handedly, I am holding a sweet sleeping Belle. I love holding her, but I could be showering or cleaning breakfast dishes or doing anything else bedsides serving as a human vertical crib.

Belle, my love, my sweet baby girl, I am your mommy and not your bed.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

So strong!

Belle was playing with the little animals dangling above her on the playmat.  She gripped the giraffe, tugged, and actually pulled the giraffe off of the bar dangling above her and onto the mat itself!  Impressive strength for a four-month old!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I must be nuts

This mother certainly is at least slightly insane. Though the idea of Belle (and me) sleeping through the night sounds wonderful (though unrealistic at this point), the thought crossed my mind recently that if/when Belle begins sleeping through the night (it is going to happen sometime, right?), I may actually miss something about the nighttime feedings. I won't miss her screaming fits of reflux-induced discomfort, and I won't miss my struggling to fall back to sleep after tucking Belle back in her bassinet. But on Sunday night (or really Monday morning) at 2am when Belle was quietly eating with her eyes closed while the snow gently fell and it felt as if we were the only two awake in the whole neighborhood, I realized how special our time together in the middle of the night is. When she groggily cries for food and I stumbled with her into the living room, us both half asleep, the feeding is peaceful, if sleepy. And when my attempt to keep Belle upright after she's eaten turns into a snooze and cuddle session before I lay her back down in her bassinet, I am reminded of how lucky I am to have a beautiful, healthy baby girl.

Ah gahdda buffy dose

Subject translation: I got a stuffy nose.

The weather turned colder, snow is all around, and I caught a major cold.  I called Belle's pediatrician to make sure it was OK for me to take cold medicine while nursing and the doctor laughed when he heard my voice.  He said I sounded like a NyQuil commercial.

Anyway, thank goodness for my extremely helpful Mr. Mom husband.  While I lay on the couch blowing my nose and coughing, Craig made me tea, vacuumed, folder two loads of laundry, emptied the dishwasher, made dinner, and burped Belle so she would be exposed to fewer of my germs.  How lucky to have such a helpful partner in parenthood.

In terms of Belle and my germs, Belle unfortunately, though not surprisingly, caught my cold (could she have avoided it?).  So, I drop nasal saline into her tiny nostrils ad use the miraculous NoseFrida to extract the boogers form her nose to ease her breathing.  She's been napping for longer periods of time (as have I with this frustrating cold).  The biggest bummer of this illness is that we had to miss Mommy and Me yoga, but we'll make up the class I'm sure.

I hope we'll all be healthy soon!

Escape in the Times

You may recall the first time the Escape made the Times.  The car next
to the Escape was kind of a flirt and the Escape appreciated it.  So
we got this -

Now, the Escape needed help getting out.  And here it is -

I guess the media ages you a bit.  Anyone know the number for
corrections at the NYTimes?


Monday, December 27, 2010


Our friends with a baby boy 15 days older than Belle were over for brunch on Boxing Day. We were discussing how both of our cutie pies often struggle to stay awake when there are other people around, despite the fact that all of the signs point to the fact that they are tired. Our friends call this phenomenon FOMO: Fear Of Missing Out. So true! It's as if Belle is afraid that she will miss some of the excitement so she fights the sleep and tried to stay awake. So, like baby Cooper, Belle suffers from FOMO.

Belle rolls over!

Belle was on her back playing on her playmat when she rolled onto her side then.......[drum roll]...onto her belly and did a push up! She then rolled back onto her side and back on her back. It was very exciting.

My teabag this morning had the following quote printed on it: "Happiness comes when you overcome the most impossible challenge." Well, Belle didn't know to be so proud of herself, but I sure was beaming with happiness that she rolled both ways. What a (s)milestone!

A productive snow day

Today's snow day certainly was productive: Craig and I painted Belle's "nursery" (that is, we painted over her changing table and crib: her part of our one-bedroom). We won't quit our day jobs just yet, but we did a pretty nice job for the amateur painters we are. And now Belle has something to look at on our walls! What a day :)

First, we painted "Belle" over her changing table:

Then we wrote her initials on the wall she faces when we change her:

Finally, we painted a garden over her crib:

We'll post more pictures when the job is dry and the furniture is back in place.

A funny memory from the early days of parenthood

When Belle was a few weeks old and we were struggling to calm her crying one evening, I attempted to take her for a walk.  I figured that the fresh air and rumble of the moving stroller on the sidewalk would pacify her.  I tolerated her screaming in the elevator and began walking around the block.  On West 85th Street, I heard Craig scream down from our tenth floor apartment, "Seren, I guess the walk isn't working."  Nope, it wasn't.  At least we got a good laugh, though.


The courthouse is closed and there are 20 new inches of snow in Central Park: SNOW DAY!

We ventured out into the frozen tundra, Belle bundled in the baby carrier and strapped to Craig.

It was shocking to see how many streets were unplowed and sidewalks unshoveled. West 84th Street, for instance, was untraversable and there was a wall of snow perhaps four-feet high where the street hit West End Ave. Also interesting was noting which business were unable to open due to the weather. Godiva and Staples, for instance, were outright closed all day today. We took a walk on Christmas day and the streets look more desolate today on this snow day than they did on the most important Christian holiday of the way. Anyway, Craig took some great pictures of the snow. It is really a winder wonderland out there today!

"If the music is too loud, you're too old"

I must be heading over the hill because I had no patience for the kids yelling and screaming and throwing snowballs on West 85th Street right outside our bedroom window after 11pm last night.  When the kids yelled "NO!" to Craig's request to be quiet, I called our local NYPD precinct and filed a noise complaint.  The siwtchboard officer I spoke to said that the police cars were having a hard time getting through the snow, but they would try to respond to my complaint as soon as possible.  The kids eventually shut up, or at least moved their play down the street and away from our bedroom window.  Now, I am all for playing in the snow, but not on a quiet residential street after 11pm on a Sunday night.

I guess I am getting old...

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Belle in a Box

Belle in a box (sans redeye- Thanks, Steve)!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Belle enjoys time with Grammy in Avon

Belle naps on Grampy in Avon

It's been a while since I added photos...

Four generations of Abrahams/Fradis/Levinson/Cepler ladies in Avon:

Belle (3 months) with her first cousin Noah (five months) and second cousin Owen (seven months) at cousin Aron and Sheyl's rehearsal dinner:

A family photo at Hannukah:

Reflux is the enemy of sleep

I vaguely recall what it feels like to be rested.  I enjoyed a taste of this on Thursday after Belle spent Wednesday night in her car seat (ie, upright). She woke up only once between 10pm and 6:20am.  What luck!  Did Craig and I discover the secret to controlling Belle's reflux?  Indeed, one night does not a solution prove.

Last night, Belle was up every few hours.  She was uncomfortable in her bassinet with blankets under the bassinet mattress to keep her upper body propped.  She arched her back when I tried to put her in the car seat; she arched so much she nearly arched herself out of the car seat.  I didn't even try the crib in which she would be flat on her back.  Once soothed in my arms, I literally could not put her down for more than a few minutes before she screamed in discomfort.  At my wits end at 3am, I gave Belle two drops of some homeopathic gripe water that claimed to settle infant tummies.  It did little, but I felt better having tried something.

So, I spent most of the night in the living room moving from the couch to the rocking chair to just walking or standing with Belle as upright as possible.  I soothed her every so often when a fit of discomfort hit and she squealed and tensed up and cried.  Did I sleep?  I must have, as there are blocks of time that I don't recall.  Did Belle?  When she wasn't screaming, she was snoozing adorably.  The salvation for this sleep-deprived mommy is that when Belle is not screaming, she is smiling and cooing and proving that she is a happy baby plagued by tummy troubles. 

But it's not about me and my lack of sleep.  I'm concerned for Belle and her discomfort.  The goal is to avoid the ER during this holiday weekend, and then I will take Belle to the doctor early next week.  I thought we could hold out until our scheduled well visit the first week in January, but it's not fair to Belle to make her scream and arch and cry any longer than she already has.

Oh, reflux, you pain-inducer and I loathe thee.

Must be the hat

One of our wonderful cousins from Toronto generously gave Belle an adorable winter hat. It is pink and fuzzy and ties under her chin. Across her forehead, it says "Snug as a Bug" (which happens to be the name of the design of her bedding). Anyway, I put her in this hat, her winter jacket, which is also pink and fuzzy,and bundle her in the stroller sleeping bag-like snuggie when we are out and about on the Upper West Side.
Belle and I were running errands the other day and four different women of varying ages and backgrounds stopped me to tell me how adorable my baby is. It must be the way the Canadian hat frames her tiny face. Or maybe it is that Belle is a cutie pie :)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Ralph Waldo Emerson

"There never was a
Child so lovely but his
Mother was glad to see him asleep."

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I am cry-lingual!

From a Huggies ad:
"The tired cry.  The hungry cry.  The diva cry.  Hey, you're cry-lingual!"

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

"Belle's Mom"

Today Belle and I tried Mommy and Me Yoga.  I was extremely skeptical about the whole experience.  First of all, I am allergic to yoga.  I tried it once with my mother in Farmington, CT and developed a fever within hours of the yoga class.  The fever lasted three days so I deduced that the yoga was responsible for the illness.  That was the last time I did yoga for years...well, until Israel.  As part of my Pardes experience, I participated in an introductory Torah Yoga class.  It was strange and hokey and not my cup of tea, though I was glad I'd tried it (I'll try anything once!).  Friday, Augsut 27, 2010 I tried my first prenatal yoga class.  Within hours, I was in labor and I do not think this was a coincidence: every woman in the prenatal class who was on her second or third pregnancy reported delivery before her due date with her previous pregnancies.  I suspect something about how we moved our bodies during the class actually could have induced labor.

Anyway, at Craig's (annoyingly persistent) urging, I bundled Belle on the coldest day of the winter so far and trekked down to 72nd Street to try a Mommy and Me Yoga class.  It seemed crazy, but, as I say, I'll try anything.  Was the class a bit hokey for me with the 'Oooommms' and the funky breathing?  Yes.  Was my daughter happier than I'd ever seen her in her three and a half months of life?  You'd better believe it!  Belle smiled excitedly at the other mommies and at the instructor.  She cooed and squealed with happiness at the songs we sang as part of the class.  She was practically flirting with the other babies in the class (I realized that she really hadn't spent much time with other babies, and boy did she delight in the company of her peers).  Most importantly, Belle smiled and giggled with me when we engaged in the yoga moves together: she really loved the yoga!  When the class was over and I had the choice to pay for the one class or buy an eight-class pass, I didn't really feel that there was any choice to make: Belle loved the Mommy and Me Yoga so much that I felt I owed it to her to commit to seven more classes.

At the start of the class, we eight woman introduced ourselves and our babies.  From then on, we adults were referred to as the mommy of our child.  I must admit that, next to seeing Belle in ecstasy, being referred to as "Belle's mom" was a highlight of the class for me.

Belle and I will be at Mommy and Me Yoga next Tuesday for sure : )

Monday, December 13, 2010

We're so lucky

We are so lucky that Belle is such a happy baby.  I adore her smiles and I appreciate how easily it is to elicit one.  It's also wonderful that she is such a people person.  She just loves to look and smile at people's faces!  What a joy Belle is.

A well-coiffed baby

After everyone from her great-grandfather to her cousin-in-law made comments about Belle's eccentric pixie hair-do, I finally took a comb to her delicate head.  It's incredible what a stroke of a plastic comb can do: Belle's hair looks sort of tamed!

Also, Craig gave me the DVD of Annie right after Belle was born.  Belle and I are nearly finished with our first viewing of it.  I forgot what a great cast the flick has: 

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Dad's so cute

Belle fell asleep in the swing this evening so Craig carried Belle, asleep, from the swing to her bassinet.  I don't know which was cuter: sleeping Belle or gentle, doting Daddy carrying Belle to bed.

Bye Bye, Bassinet!

Belle has officially outgrown the bassinet of the stroller (see pictures of her growth here). She is simply too tall. She has moved onto the seat of her stroller. We are so proud that she is growing so well!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Date night

Craig and I enjoyed a top-notch, delicious date night at Le Bernadin on West 51st Street. What a treat to enjoy a quiet night out with each other. What a thrill to be wined and dined and treated like royalty at this top notch restaurant. :)
Thanks to Zinafish for babysitting!

To be sure, I am still married

Perhaps it's the cold weather which causes joints to contract. Or maybe it's the fact that my pregnancy is now three and a half months behind me. Whatever the reason, my wedding bands fits again as of today! When my whole body expanded during the ends of my pregnancy during the hot summer months, I stopped wearing my rings for fear that they would have to be plied from my hand during delivery. About once a week since Belle arrived, I have tried on my rings to no avail: they would not slip past my left ring finger's large knuckle. Well, today, just in time for my big date with my husband, my rings slid on as they used to. Hoorray!

Big date with Craig? Yes, Craig is taking me to Le Bernadin for dinner tonight to celebrate Hannukah and, well, one another. I can't wait! Our good friend Rachel will play with Belle while we're out.

Oh, and about Belle being a party girl: she was so tuckered out from her big party night last night that she fell asleep on her play mat while playing this morning. Isn't that the equivalent of someone falling asleep at her desk sat work the day after a big night out? It was both hilarious and adorable! She has been resting today to recuperate from the grand socializing.

Party girl

Belle loves parties!  Last night, Craig and I took Belle to our friend Evan's place for a Hannkuah party.  Yes, it was a Tuesday evening.  Yes, she was the only baby there.  Yes, we are crazy parents.  But she was the life of the party so the adventure was a success!
She fell asleep on the walk to Evan's apartment and continued sleeping for a few minutes after we arrived at the soiree.  When she woke up, though, she didn't cry or scream or even seem hungry, though we knew she was due to eat and brought a bottle for her.  Instead, she sat up on Craig's lap and smiled at all of the people around her.  When some of Evan's friend's couldn't take just looking at her and asked to hold her, Belle delightfully went from stranger to stranger and just smiled and acted cute. 
Belle has been around groups of people all of her life because her parents are people people, so I suppose she is used to funny faces and different voices and such.  I hope she remains a social butterfly as she grows up.

Belle poops

It's funny because as soon as the video starts and I see Belle's face, I know what she's working on.  Too bad I wasn't there to warn Uncle JoJo, as well as Grammy, Grampy, Aunt Carla and Great-Grandma Maxine about the ensuing poop.  Be sure to play the video with audio!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Belle Sings

Enjoy the duet with Dad.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Rock(ing chair) star

Now that Belle is cooing and on the verge of laughing, she makes a great audience for my one-woman singing concerts! I especially enjoy singing to her my version of the Ben Harper version of the John Lennon song "Bountiful Boy." When I sing it, though, it's called "Beautiful Belle." I also enjoy :Something Good" from "The Sound of Music." I also modify the lyrics a bit when I sing it to Belle, but I keep the gist of the song (I am so lucky to have this beautiful love in my life, and what did I do to deserve this wonderfulness). I love singing to her the silly songs that make her smile, like "A Bushel and A Peck" from "Guys and Dolls" and "Surrey with a Fringe on Top" from "Oklahoma." As long as Belle keeps smiling and cooing and nearly laughing while I sing, I'll continue to serenade her. Maybe she'll start singing along soon!

My mother used to make up tunes and lyrics when she rocked and sang to my brother and me when we were babies. She referred to her rock(ing) concerts as "Mommy's Greatest Hits." Maybe one day we'll take it on the road: two generations of rock(ing chair) stars.

An Explanation for the Fussiness

Belle is a happy baby, thank goodness.  She smiles and coos and is on the verge of laughing.  But she has these fits of fussiness when she straightens her legs and arches her back and writhes and screams.  Well, those little fits aren't a result of gas bubbles in her tummy or generally crankiness as I'd thought.  I called the pediatrician this week and learned that those symptoms, as well as her burping, hiccuping and spit-up, are the tell-tell signs of reflux.  While I'm happy to have a diagnosis, it's frustrating that I can't do anything buy hold her upright, wipe away her spit-up, and try to soothe her when she has her fits. Poor Belle.  It's unpleasant to see her in discomfort, but it should pass as she grows.   

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

It doesn't get any more 'stay at home mom' than this

I clipped coupons while Belle napped.  Such a cliche...

A morning

Are all babies as happy in the morning as Belle?  I suspect all babies enjoy mornings, as most wake up before I prefer to be awake (especially after late-night feedings).  Anyway, when I hear Belle and go to her bassinet at 6am or 6:30am or whatever early time, she sees my face and smiles as if I had a bright shiny new pacifier for her and coos in joy.  It certainly is a bright, smiley start to my day.  I hope she always like mornings.  I also hope she continues to look at the world with the wonder with which she looks at the world now every time her eyes are open.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Belle in November

Belle turned three months old and she's really enjoying life. She smiles and sings along with Mommy and Daddy. Yesterday was Peter, Paul & Mary night. In November, Belle made her first trips to Jericho and Avon to see her grandparents' houses. She celebrated her first Thanksgiving and Uncle Jeff's and (Great-)Grandpa Leon's birthdays. Belle also was introduced to the arts. She attended the WPHS production of Much Ado About Nothing and an a capella concert and watched Pirates of Penzance with Dad.

Rolling rolling rolling

At seven and a half weeks, Belle rolled from her belly to her back during tummy time, the video of which is available on this blog. At about ten or eleven weeks, she stopped rolling onto her back because tummy often digresses into hand sucking time (she lowers her hand to take a break from the stretching and find her hand, which she immediately puts into her mouth). Play mat time has progressed and she can now touch and sort of play with the toys dangling above her. She has started rolling from her back to her side en route to her belly. She hasn't made it all the way onto her belly yet, but she is doing some great half-rolls. In addition to rolling, she can maneuver her body around such that if I lay her down with her toward toward one end of the play mat, she can rotate herself to have her head at the other end. She is making great use of her play mat and rolling and turning and playing and smiling and cooing. Belle's progress is a joy to watch.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Belle quotes Shakespeare

Between enjoying (a few scenes of) a live performance of "Much Ado About Nothing" and this onesie (a gift from a fellow WPHS English teacher), Belle is nearly a Shakespeare buff at the ripe old age of 3 months :)

Belle's growing, but still small...

While examining 'older' pictures of Belle, Craig and I noticed how her tall she's grown and how long her hair is now. But, she's still a tiny person. One of my fun activities is singing to Belle while we look at each other and ourselves in a mirror. Belle smiles and coos as if to try to sing along. I noticed today that, when we are eye to eye, her whole face fits between my eyes and the bottom of my nose; so cute and tiny.

Belle's growth

Since I am rarely more than five feet away from Belle every second of every minute of every hour of everyday, it is difficult for me to notice growth. Craig pointed out the other day how much space Belle now occupies in the stroller bassinet. The day of her naming, when she was four days old, Belle was swaddled in the bassinet. Then she looked like a gold fish in swimming pool. Now, at a whopping 2 feet tall and three months old, she looks nearly squished in the bassinet! See you yourself:

Belle 9/2/10

Belle 11/28/10:

Belle 11/29/10:

Belle is three months old

Home with Belle all year!

It's official: I extended my maternity leave and will be home with Belle through the summer. Let the good times roll!

Update: Belle just pooped to celebrate the good news. She must be so happy to spend 9 more months with me!

The only real full-time job

On the drive back to NYC after Thanksgiving, we saw a great bumper sticker:
"Motherhood: the only real full-time job."
SO true...

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

The Tri-Ceps enjoyed Thanksgiving in Avon, Connecticut with Grammy Hilary, Grampy Elcon, Uncle Joe, Aunt Carla, and Gaga (Great-grandma Maxine)!
We saw friends, sipped apple cider, giggled and enjoyed spending time with family. Also, we paid our respects to Belle's namesake. It was a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

What I'm thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving from Avon.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Mommy's afternoon off

Craig made lentil soup from scratch and homemade chili then played with Belle while I enjoyed my first manicure and pedicure in months (since my mother was here during Craig's first week back at work after Belle's arrival).  What a relaxing and indulgent treat!  To come home to a delicious meal and a cuddly baby made the excursion all the more delightful.  Thanks, Craig, for being husband and daddy and chef extraordinaire! :)

The Happy TriCeps

Mommy catches up on sleep

Thanks, Daddy, for letting Mommy sleep a bit!

Sometimes the box is more interesting than its contents

Though in this case the contents are pretty adorable...

Belle contemplates a career in law like her Daddy

Saturday, November 20, 2010

A most surprising and generous gift

Craig, Belle and I have been overwhelmed by the generosity of our friends and family in welcoming Belle to the world. So, remember our Korean dry cleaners and how I have become friendly with the Korean couple who run the establishment? Well, our last batch of dry cleaning came back to our building with a gift from the dry cleaners to baby Belle. The card is appropriately written all in Korean wishing Belle health and happiness and an appreciation of Korean culture:)

Two more firsts for Belle

Belle tackled the MTA on Friday! Strapped to Mommy in a baby carrier, she took the 1 train southbound to the crosstown bus and then the 6 train uptown to another crosstown bus. She seemed to enjoy the adventure and spent both rides looking all around at the excitement.

It is quite funny that Belle rode an airplane halfway across the US before she rode the New York City subway downtown. It's similarly hilarious that Belle stayed in two hotel rooms in Texas before she spent a night at either of her grandparents' homes.

ANYWAY, Belle also attended her first concert today! The JCC has great family-friendly programming ever Shabbat afternoon in the winter. We took her there this afternoon to hear a Stonybrook University coed a capella group sing in the lobby of the JCC. She sat attentively on her daddy's lap and smiled and cooed to the music. She is a real music lover at only twelve weeks old!

There are many exciting 'firsts' when you're not quite three months old :)

Belle's first play

Belle and I went to White Plains High School on Thursday, November 18 to see my friend and colleague Doug Cronk direct students in a production of "Much Ado About Nothing." She slept through most of the production's first act and then ate just before intermission. She was awake, alert and an angel during the second act. She watched intently and quietly (and adorably, I might add). Belle's namesake (my grandfather Bill Fradis) would have been delighted that Belle's first theatre experience was a Shakespeare comedy, and he would have been proud by her behavior during the show, as if she was really enjoying the Shakespeare. And since she's my daughter, it was the first of many plays Belle will enjoy. Belle is quite cultured for an eleven-week old!

Thursday, November 18, 2010


My golly. Her thumb, Belle has found it.

Pictures will be forthcoming.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Mommy Sleeps

This is the article that Seren referenced:

No matter whether moms breast-fed, formula-fed or did a combination of both, they got the same amount of sleep and considered themselves equally exhausted. Score one for the breast-feeding advocates, who hope this study gives women on the fence another reason to commit to breastfeeding, which conveys well-documented health benefits for baby — and mother. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends babies be exclusively breast-fed for six months and continue to receive breast milk for at least a year. (More on Breast-Feeding: Not Just for Women?)

Read more:

Will I ever sleep again?

I am sure many new mothers wonder if they will ever sleep again. I began this journey confident that I will, of course, someday sleep again. I mean, I was an infant once and now I am capable of sleeping through the night. However, recently (very recently...last night, in fact), I started to give up hope that Belle will actually ever sleep through the night. She is just over 11 weeks old and her sleeping pattern has grown shorter and not longer this week. She wouldn't fall to sleep until nearly 10pm last night, and then she was hungry at 12:30am. We were up again at 3:30am, 5:15am and 6:30am. Craig read somewhere that new mothers get an average of 7 hours of sleep a night. I have yet to meet, or even hear of, an actual real life mother who sleeps that much. Still, I was content when I was getting 6 hours or so. This waking up 3 times a night is tough and it is making me lose faith that Belle will ever actually sleep more than two hours straight. It has therefore occurred to me may never ever sleep again.

My last sleep (8/30/10) before I returned home with Belle.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Another perspective on "Sorry-Grateful"

Another (less-poetic) way of examining our Sorry-Grateful perspective on kids (the lyrics are to a song from Sondheim's "Company" examining marriage) is this Slate article. In essence, married people are happier than unmarried people, but married people with kids are less happy than kid-less adults. That's right: parents are less happy than kid-free couples. Kids cause stress and sleep deprivation. Kids costs money and strain relationships. Kids requires sacrifices and are a 24/7/365 responsibility.
So why do we have kids? Because we're suckers for the cuter, gentler moments, like this:

Yup, that's basically what it comes down to: we're suckers.

Monday, November 15, 2010

"Mothers are all slightly insane"

I first read J. D. Salinger's Catcher in the Rye when I was a freshman in high school. Holden notes that "mothers are all slightly insane." I totally get it. It's not that all women are insane, or even that all women who choose to experience the roller-coaster of pregnancy and the trauma of labor and delivery are insane. Rather motherhood tugs at a woman's sanity. I can't remember the last time I slept through the night. Between runs to the bathroom during pregnancy and late-night/early-morning feedings, it feels like the last time I slept more than three hours straight was years ago. And the things I say and do to get my cutie-pie Belle to smile sound sort of nuts, and certainly would be cause to have me committed if taken out of context. For instance, Belle was being a tad fussy and it was time for our walk anyway, so I bounced her around while I prepared us both to go outside and sang, "We're going to take a walkity-walk. Yes, we're going to take a walkity-walk. Oh, we're going to take a walkity-walk. A walkity-what? A walkity walk!" So, yes, I agree that "mothers are all slightly insane" and I totally admit to my insanity being a bit more than than slight...

Sunday, November 14, 2010

A face only a mother can love? I don't think so!

Is Belle the most beautiful baby girl in the universe? Of course! But I'll admit to being a tad biased being that I am her mother. But does she have a face only her mother can appreciate? Nope! We proved that last week. Belle and I were running errands when Belle got a tad fussy. I picked her up and was walking home holding her in one arm and pushing the empty stroller with my other hand. Not one but TWO women of different ages stopped me to tell me what a beautiful daughter I have. One was impressed by how alert she looked, holding her head up well and looking around at the world as we walked down West 86th Street. Another commented on how her face was not a baby face and how she appeared more mature than the average two-month-old. I am very proud of (and enamored by) our beautiful Belle : )


It's happening.  Belle is developing a sleep pattern.  When we put her down between 6-8pm, she'll stay mostly sleeping until long after we go to sleep.  This has happened for the past week or so.  Hopefully, it'll segue into one wake up per night and then sleeping through the night.  We're also learning that when Belle's sleeping, let her sleep.  Don't pick her up or mess with her.  It's good for us to have this pattern.

While she has yet to outgrow her bassinet, she is getting to the point where she sleeps with her arms out such that she's touching both sides.  She's not necessarily at the stage where we have to put in the crib, but she's getting there.  Now, we just have to find a time to give the bassinet back to cousin Diana.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Sucky Battle

Babies have a natural sucking reflex; it's how they calm themselves down.  Only a few minutes after Belle was born, she had her fingers in her mouth: adorable.  However, we're happier when Belle pacifies herself with, well, a pacifier. A pacifier can be temporary because a pacifier can be taken away. My parents tell me that my older brother enjoyed his "babba" until they told him that big boys don't need babbas. With that, the pacifier was gone from baby JoJo's life. I found my fingers early...and often: I sucked my fingers through elementary school. Still, Belle tries to put her fist in her mouth and we worry that it is only a matter of time before she opens that fist and finds her fingers. In the meantime, every time she goes to suck on something, her parents aim to be there to offer her a pacifier. This battle sucks...

Another good line from Prime Time

"Letting morality get in the way of making money...I may as well go and be a teacher."
From the November 11 episode of "30 Rock"

Great quote from "Glee"

"All of us are scarred by high school. Next to our parents, nothing screws a person up more. And people like us, we're stupid enough to come back here and relive that pain everyday."
From the November 10, 2010 episode of "Glee"

Aunt Julie Comes Over

Aunt Julie made a quick visit. She gets to be on the blog. I hope
she made it to her book club.

The Hunt for the Thumb

We've been using a pacifier since Belle was 10 days old. She was cranky, and we thought the pacifier would help. It did and has worked wonders for the last two months. The pacifier sometimes falls out. Most of the time, this is when Belle laughs or cries or simply when she falls asleep. When it happens, she starts trying to put her whole hand in to replace the pacifier. She's getting her hand to her mouth, but she has yet to figure out that her hand is too big for her mouth. We know soon though she's going to figure that her thumb fits into her mouth and that it's good for sucking. We have to stop that. The battle for sucking supremacy is being waged and we want the pacifier to win.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Belle's morning smile= the BEST start to the day

I heard Belle in the bassinet awake and itching to move. I walked over to her and peered in to see Belle. When she caught my eye, she smiled up at me recognizing that Mommy was there. Belle's smiles light up my world.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Belle visits Austin, Texas

Belle's first night sleeping outside our home was on October 28 when we visited Austin, Texas (congrats to Jason and Brandy Schall on their marriage!). Belle was a champ in the flight to and from Austin (thank you, Jet Blue, for giving her a seat!).

We celebrated her second month milestone in Austin (the photo in which she is "holding" her sign was taken in front of the famous University of Texas clock tower).

While waiting for the bats to emerge from beneath the Congress Avenue Bridge, we took a family photo.

It was a wonderful weekend in Texas and Belle proved to be an expert traveler.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Belle's two-month check up

Belle had a pediatrician appointment today. She is in great health and is growing well! Belle is in the ninetieth (90) percentile in height and forty-eighth (48) percentile in weight. In other words, she is long and lean, just like her namesake (and not like either of her parents).
Belle smiled for the doctor on the examination table and even handled her vaccinations like a champ. We are so proud of our growing baby Belle Shoshanna!

Monday, November 1, 2010

hand-knit goodies

Belle is so lucky to have such talented admirers.
The top picture if of Belle in a warm sweater knit by our Australian friend Ros Rogers.
The one below it is Belle in her purple hat knit by Becky Cooke.
Thank you for sharing your talents with our daughter!