Friday, December 24, 2010

Reflux is the enemy of sleep

I vaguely recall what it feels like to be rested.  I enjoyed a taste of this on Thursday after Belle spent Wednesday night in her car seat (ie, upright). She woke up only once between 10pm and 6:20am.  What luck!  Did Craig and I discover the secret to controlling Belle's reflux?  Indeed, one night does not a solution prove.

Last night, Belle was up every few hours.  She was uncomfortable in her bassinet with blankets under the bassinet mattress to keep her upper body propped.  She arched her back when I tried to put her in the car seat; she arched so much she nearly arched herself out of the car seat.  I didn't even try the crib in which she would be flat on her back.  Once soothed in my arms, I literally could not put her down for more than a few minutes before she screamed in discomfort.  At my wits end at 3am, I gave Belle two drops of some homeopathic gripe water that claimed to settle infant tummies.  It did little, but I felt better having tried something.

So, I spent most of the night in the living room moving from the couch to the rocking chair to just walking or standing with Belle as upright as possible.  I soothed her every so often when a fit of discomfort hit and she squealed and tensed up and cried.  Did I sleep?  I must have, as there are blocks of time that I don't recall.  Did Belle?  When she wasn't screaming, she was snoozing adorably.  The salvation for this sleep-deprived mommy is that when Belle is not screaming, she is smiling and cooing and proving that she is a happy baby plagued by tummy troubles. 

But it's not about me and my lack of sleep.  I'm concerned for Belle and her discomfort.  The goal is to avoid the ER during this holiday weekend, and then I will take Belle to the doctor early next week.  I thought we could hold out until our scheduled well visit the first week in January, but it's not fair to Belle to make her scream and arch and cry any longer than she already has.

Oh, reflux, you pain-inducer and I loathe thee.

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