Monday, December 31, 2012

Cousin play date

We visited cousins Diana, Isabelle, and Owen today. What fun! Diana enjoyed a little snuggle with baby Emily while the older little ones played dress-up.  Belle liked Izzy's dance recital costume ("princess dress") so much, she wanted to wear it home.

All that playing made Belle, Izzy, and Owen hungry.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Worn out from a fun day

Under the Big Top

That's Belle's face on the right (your right when you're looking at the pic) and Craig's on the left just before we went into the tent to enjoy the Big Apple Circus with Grandma Helene and Grandpa Richard:

And here's Belle on Craig's lap mesmorized by the spectacle:

Excited for the circus (and her new glasses)

On the way to the circus

Friday, December 28, 2012

Being a baby is exhausting

At least she is sleeping flat on her back, an issue I discussed with the doctors (Emily sleeps with her head elevated in the swing or the car seat or the Nap Nanny, though also on her back the stroller bassinet).
In truth, I recall Belle being worn out from visits to the doctor. Emily is just sleepier than usual today. And playing on that play mat is exhausting.

Emily's 2-month check-up

Here Belle borrowed the pediatrician's stethoscope to exam Emily. The doctor herself also examined Emily and determined that Emily is growing just fine. Emily weighs12 pounds and 2 ounces (82nd percentile) and is 22 inches tall (35th percentile). The diameter of Emily's little head is 15 inches. She is growing well and developing as she should. The doctor was not concerned with Emily's jump in weight and is happy with Emily's growth and development, as well as with Emily's abilities (social smiling, head-strength, head shape).
Belle reminded the doctor more than once during the exam to "be gentle to Emily." Belle was excited that Emily left the examination room with two band-aids because Emily had two shots and an oral vaccine. For being so helpful, Belle received a lollipop.
We left the doctor and went to a local library's Story Hour: a successful morning for all.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Emily is 2-months-old today!

Wisdom from "The Fantastiks"

Two great songs from The Fantastiks that relate to parenthood:

1. "Plant a Radish" is about how much more reliable it is to plant a garden than to raise children ("plant a radish, get a radish....with children, it's bewilderin'")

2. "Never Say No" explains why whatever it is I tell Belle not to do is just the exact thing she wants to do: "Don't touch that, Belle."  "I want to touch that, Mommy!"

Plant a radish.
Get a radish.
Never any doubt.
That's why I love vegetables;
You know what you're about!

Plant a turnip.
Get a turnip.
Maybe you'll get two.
That's why I love vegetables;
You know that they'll come through!

They're dependable!
They're befriendable!
They're the best pal a parent's ever known!
While with children,
It's bewilderin'.
You don't know until the seed is nearly grown
Just what you've sown.

Plant a carrot,
Get a carrot,
Not a Brussels sprout.
That's why I love vegetables.
You know what you're about!

Life is merry,
If it's very
A man who plants a garden
Is a very happy man!

Plant a beanstalk.
Get a beanstalk.
Just the same as Jack.
Then if you don't like it,
You can always take it back!

But if your issue
Doesn't kiss you,
Then I wish you luck.
For once you've planted children,
You're absolutely stuck!

Every turnip green!
Every kidney bean!
Every plant grows according to the plot!

While with progeny,
It's hodge-podgenee.
For as soon as you think you know what kind you've got,
It's what they're not!

Plant a cabbage.
Get a cabbage.
Not a sauerkraut!
That's why I love vegetables.
You know what you're about!

Life is merry
If it's very
A man who plants a garden
Is a very happy man!

A vegitari-
Very merry

Dog's got to bark, a mule's got to bray.
Soldiers must fight and preachers must pray.
And children, I guess, must get their own way
The minute that you say no.

Why did the kids pour jam on the cat?
Raspberry jam all over the cat?
Why should the kids do something like that,
When all that we said was no?

My son was once afraid to swim.
The water made him wince.
Until I said he mustn't swim:
S'been swimmin' ever since!

S'been swimmin' ever since!


Dog's got to bark, a mule's got to bray.
Soldiers must fight and preachers must pray.
And children, I guess, must get their own way
The minute that you say no.

Why did the kids put beans in their ears?
No one can hear with beans in their ears.
After a while the reason appears.
They did it cause we said no.

Your daughter brings a young man in,
Says "Do you like him, Pa?"
Just say that he's a fool and then:
You've got a son-in-law!

You've got a son-in-law!


Sure as the June comes right after May!
Sure as the night comes right after day!
You can be sure the devil's to pay
The minute that you say no.

Make sure you never say...

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Monday, December 24, 2012

"Mile, Emily"

I pointed out that Emily was smiling at Belle, Super Big Sister Belle ran to get her camera (a Chanukah gift from Grammy and Grampy) to take a picture of the smile.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

"Super Big Sister"

At the end of the summer, we borrowed the classic I'm a Big Sister book to help prepare Belle for her role as a big sister.  In the fall, we also borrowed the book Supersister from the library on a friend's recommendation.  The latter is about a little girl who is a super-heroine (cape and all) and helps her parents any way she can because her mother is pregnant.  When we ask Belle what kind of big sister she is, Belle quotes the book and calls herself a "Super Big Sister."

Yes, it's cute when Belle calls herself a "Super Big Sister," but, lucky for us, Belle truly is a super big sister.


1.  Belle can't seem to recall life without Emily.  She recently looked a picture of Great-Grandma Ann and her (then) eight great-grandchildren from Chanukah 2011.  Belle asked why Emily was absent from the picture.  When I read Belle the book Goodnight, ConnecticutI always remind Belle that we once visited the Mystic Seaport (a Connecticut attraction highlighted in the book) over the summer.  Tonight, Belle  volunteered, "We were there!  Me and Mommy and Daddy and Emily!"  I told her that Emily was in my belly when we were there to make her assertion correct.  It seems that Belle has airbrushed Emily into all of her memories (whatever memories a 28-month-old has, anyway).

2.  I took the girls to "Story Time for Two's" at our public library on Friday morning.  The librarian began the event by going around the circle of toddlers and introducing the little ones to her stuffed kitty cat.  After the librarian greeted Belle and Belle had the chance to pet and "meow" with the cat, the librarian moved on to the next toddler.  Belle jumped up and said the librarian, "You forgot Emily" and made the librarian have her stuffed cat give Emily "kisses."

3. The other night, I was nursing Emily while reading Belle a bedtime story.  Belle got up and headed toward her bedroom door.  Thinking Belle was being an escape artist, I stopped Belle.  She explained, "I am getting you a burp clothe.  How are you going to wipe Emily's mouth?"  Belle also throws away her own and Emily's used diapers without being asked.  How super helpful.

4.  Belle includes Emily in every aspect of her life.  When Belle wakes up, she can't wait to see and kiss Emily.  Belle reports everything to Emily: "Emily, I just brushed my teeth!" and "Emily, Daddy is being silly!"  Belle also looks out for Emily.  When Emily fusses, Belle runs to calm her, and sometimes runs to ask me to pick Emily up.  Last night, Belle announced form the back of the car, "Emily is fussing."

While I would like to take credit for Belle being a Super Big Sister, I really think that we are just lucky.  Our pediatrician affirms that we are lucky that Belle has taken to her little sister and isn't calling for us to flush Emily down the toilet or to send Emily back from whence she came.  Nor is Belle begging for the attention she didn't have to share only two months ago.  Sure, she asked to go "uppy" (be carried) a little more than she used to, but she hasn't yet really acted out besides that.

Yup, Craig, Emily, and I are super lucky that Belle is such a super big sister.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Monday, December 17, 2012


We QuadriCeps attended two Chanukah parties yesterday, the last day of the holiday.  The first was an adult party.  While were there, Emily and Belle were the only attendees under 25 years old.  Belle started out shy, but quickly opened up and sparkled.  She enjoyed a snack, drank her water from a huge plastic cup, sat on many of the different sitting places, played dreidel, walked and ran around the apartment, and even introduced herself (sort of) to some of the other adults.  She really was amazingly confident and social.  At one point, encouraged by the party's hostess, Belle climbed up on a stool and helped distribute bottles of beer.

Our second party was a kids party at which Belle made and decorated cookies, sang and danced with a music teacher, and played with the other kids and toys.  Again, Belle proved to be a wonderful party guest.  Belle didn't cling to us or whine or cry or play rough with the other kids or make a mess (Belle hates a mess).

How did Craig and I get so lucky?

Belle's no fool

I often change the words in Belle's books: I always read "Mommy" instead of "Mama" and insert "Belle" when I can.  I also tend to read what I want to read; that is, I don't read the whole book or I read only part of a page or I summarize the page in one sentence, usually after the tenth read.  Well, I was recently reading Belle a book my own way and she corrected me.  Craig is more loyal to the words on the page, it seems, so Belle caught on that I changed the words and set me straight.  Uh oh.  Are my days of changing the words in books, skipping pages, and summarizing over?

Along the same lines of Belle being mature, in this pic, she is changing her baby's diaper. She needed help, but had the right idea.

Emily's first bottle

In preparation for being away from Emily for more than two hours straight, Craig gave Emily a bottle (while I was nearby, just in case).  Success!  Emily's beautiful handmade quilted bib says "FEED ME" and that's just what her Daddy did.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

"Emily, smile."

Said Belle. Happy night 8.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Clean and snugly

Clean and snugly Emily 

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Emily smiling at Mommy

It is already so rewarding being Emily's Mommy.

Hat modeling

Belle didn't sit still long enough for me to get a good shot, but here's Belle showing off her new hat (a hat I found in my closet that was on its way to the donation bag in the basement; it may not be part of Belle's growing dress-up accessories):

Yup: that's Belle's tongue :)

(Another) Baby Cepler

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A Caring Big Sister

I took the girls to a Chanukah party at our synagogue yesterday.  A friend offered to hold Emily, who was fussing in the stroller, so I could enjoy a sing-along with Belle.  A few songs in, Belle said, "I am going to check on Emily" and Belle ran to the stroller.  The distressed look on Belle's face when she realized that the stroller was empty was horrifying and adorable at the same time.  I assured her that Emily was safe and sound in our friend's arms and I brought Belle over to the friend to prove it.  Belle looked at me after confirming Emily was fine and said, "I want my baby back."  The friend obliged and gave Emily back to me.  Belle is apparently a protective big sister.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Belle and Noah: A Duet

If only you could have heard their rendition of "Heart and Soul" :)
(Just kidding! But they did play nicely together)

Happy Night 3

Featuring our homemade menorah. Go Seren!!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Celebrating Chanukah

Here's Belle opening a Chanukah present from Grandma Helene.  She's wearing a fun outfit (a Chanukah present from Aunt Joanna) and her pink Uggs.

Here's Belle playing nicely with her new dollhouse, a Chanukah gift to Belle from Emily.

Here Emily snoozes peacefully through a family Chanukah party.

Cousin ice cream treat

Saturday, December 8, 2012


 I braided Belle's long blonde hair today.  At some point, Belle made the discovery that, unlike a single ponytail, this new hairdo offered her two braids.  She then took a braid in each hand and ran around announcing, "I have two! I have two!"  She enjoyed her braids so much, she is asleep right now with her hair still in braids.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Cousin Playdate

Cousins Diana, Owen, Jamie, Michal, and Elisheva visited today. Emily slept through most of the playdate. Looking forward to celebrating Chanukah with these and more cousins on Sunday!

Owen, Elisheva, and Belle enjoyed the playroom while Emily napped nearby.

Monkeying around

With Eskimo kisses (nose to nose).

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

IPad and sisterly love

1. I am blown away by how intuitive the iPad is. Belle knows how to turn it on, get to and engage in the apps we downloaded for her, and turn it off.

2. Belle has been asking me to put Emily near/on her so Belle could show Emily some fun things on the iPad. I hope Belle continues to want to share things with her little sister.

Belle and Emily


Walking with purpose

Despite my suburban upbringing, when walking was about the walk (and the exercise and the fresh air and to enjoy our beautiful neighborhood), I grew accustomed to walking as a means of transportation living in the city. Especially as an Upper West Side SAHM (stay at home mom), I walked everywhere and all the time. I walked to the grocery store and to friends' houses and to restaurants and to other means of transportation. I therefore appreciate living in a suburb with a downtown. This week has been unseasonably warm, for which I am very grateful. Emily and I have run half a dozen errands on foot so far this week. We walked to the bank, the dry cleaners, to go shopping (including to Bloomingdales), to get a hot drink.  I enjoy walking, Emily is getting used to the stroller, and I am happy to be efficient with my walks.

Snuggling over the iPad

Nothing like an iPad to bring people together. Belle and Daddy are watching youtube videos: "Make 'Em Laugh" and "Good Morning" from "Singing in the Rain" and "Gonna Wash that Man Right out of my Hair" from "South Pacific" are particular favorite songs and videos.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Funny girl

Two consecutive sentences I heard when I came home from work:
"I made a big poopy!"
"Daddy, you have a penis." "Daddy, you are laughing." I couldn't stop. How do I keep a straight face when this is what my daughter is saying.

Emily laughing