Tuesday, March 27, 2012

"Pease," Plurals, and Parties

1. I taught Belle a new word: Please. I was tired of Belle reaching and whining so I asked her to say, "please" instead of whining when she wants something. I learned that Belle is a quick study (though she pronounces it "pease"), and also that I am a total softee. Now, whenever Belle sweetly says, "pease," I give her whatever it is that she wants. Her voice is so sweet and her "pease" is so cute that she has me wrapped around her teensie weensie finger. A prune before dinner, "pease." OK! A bite of Mommy's rice cake, "pease." You got it, Belle. In my defensive, she usually repeats her "pease" several times in a totally non-whiny way. I argue that even a tougher mom (any other parent, really- I am such a pushover) would struggle to say no to Belle's adorable "Pease. Pease. Pease."

2. Belle is adding new words to her vocabulary daily. Interestingly, she has a tendency to pluralize most nouns. For instance, Belle does not say "bye bye." She instead says, "byes" (perhaps a shortcut, since "bye" is actually two "byes"). Often, Craig and I are "Daddys" and "Mommys," though we're each just one person (maybe it's Belle's version of the royal we?). Anyway, she's talking and we understand, so it's all just fine(s).

3. When we moved into our new house, a few people asked us if we moved onto the party block. I learned that the "party block" is the next block down from where we live, and they are dubbed the party block because of the block party they have annually for which they close off their one block and bring in a fire truck. While we are actually a few houses in from THE party block, our whole street is pretty friendly. When the weather was nice last week, Belle and I went out for walks nearly every day. We always made friends with neighboring children and dogs on these walks. On Tuesday, we found a half dozen kids playing in one neighbor's yard (on the party block proper). On Wednesday, we met Leo whom Belle hugged when we said our "byes." On Friday, we were invited in to someone's home for an impromptu playdate. I look forward to more neighborhood fun as the weather warms and we are outside more. While we don't live on the party block, our street feels like a party to me.

Happy birthday, Great-Grandma Maxine!

How much Belle has grown since Gaga's birthday last year!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Elementary School, and "Hug!"

1.       Yesterday I helped chaperone a high school choir field trip.  We went to three of the five White Plains elementary schools and performed a brief concert.  I found myself stunned by the elementary school students.  I couldn’t believe that my high school students were once that small, not can I comprehend that Belle will one day be that big.

2.       Belle is talking more and more each day.  For a while, my favorite word in Belle’s vocabulary was of course “Mommy.”  Now I have a new favorite word: “hug” (which sounds more like “huck”).  This morning, while Belle enjoyed her milk and a snuggle (we bring Belle into bed with us while she drinks her milk every morning), she suddenly turned to me and said, “hug,” and then threw her arms around me. What a wonderful start to the day.


Monday, March 19, 2012

An Office Visit

Belle's visits to Daddy's office now require her to contribute a bit. So far so good. (In the top picture, on the monitor is "Oh What a Beautiful Morning" from "Oklahoma!"

It's great fun to think how far Belle has come in her visits to the federal courthouses. See here.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

"Before the Parade Passes By"

Eric visits, but Belle is more mesmerized by the Sound Shore St. Patrick's Day Parade on Mamaroneck Ave. In Mamaroneck.

Monday, March 12, 2012

A playdate in the country

7 of my Walking Mom friends (with their 8 babies) took a field trip from Manhattan's Upper West Side to White Plains for a playdate! It was the most fun massive chaos that our new home has seen to date. A real last!

Monday, March 5, 2012


Belle is in the bedroom most mornings when I make our bed. I never thought much about Belle watching me make the bed. Anyway, I was finishing making the bed this morning. When I turned around to put the three decorative pillows on the bed, I found Belle standing holding one of the pillows. She handed it to me, then went to pick up and give me the second and then the third decorative pillow. So helpful! I wonder if she'll be able to help mow the lawn by spring.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Belle, 12-18 Months

Belle's life, from August 29, 2011 until February 29, 2012. Just click on the photo to see them.

Reading with Aunt Carla and Uncle Joe

Friday, March 2, 2012

Thursday, March 1, 2012

18-months and growing

Belle reached her 18-month milestone on this year's Leap Day, and we went to her pediatrician for a regularly-scheduled check-up. Belle is totally healthy and made sure that everyone in the office knew that her lungs were in tact.

Belle weighs 23.5 pounds, which puts her in the 45th percentile for weight, and she is 34 inches tall, which is nearly 95th percentile (she remains tall and thin). Her head had grown quite a bit- all those brain- as it is now 18.5cm (60th percentile). An interesting shift reflecting her development: Belle received her two shots in her arms, instead of her thighs, since she walks so much now.

Despite Belle's screaming and crying, the doctor determined that Belle is growing well and is healthy. Scream all you want, Belle, but stay healthy and developing properly.