Sunday, December 23, 2012

"Super Big Sister"

At the end of the summer, we borrowed the classic I'm a Big Sister book to help prepare Belle for her role as a big sister.  In the fall, we also borrowed the book Supersister from the library on a friend's recommendation.  The latter is about a little girl who is a super-heroine (cape and all) and helps her parents any way she can because her mother is pregnant.  When we ask Belle what kind of big sister she is, Belle quotes the book and calls herself a "Super Big Sister."

Yes, it's cute when Belle calls herself a "Super Big Sister," but, lucky for us, Belle truly is a super big sister.


1.  Belle can't seem to recall life without Emily.  She recently looked a picture of Great-Grandma Ann and her (then) eight great-grandchildren from Chanukah 2011.  Belle asked why Emily was absent from the picture.  When I read Belle the book Goodnight, ConnecticutI always remind Belle that we once visited the Mystic Seaport (a Connecticut attraction highlighted in the book) over the summer.  Tonight, Belle  volunteered, "We were there!  Me and Mommy and Daddy and Emily!"  I told her that Emily was in my belly when we were there to make her assertion correct.  It seems that Belle has airbrushed Emily into all of her memories (whatever memories a 28-month-old has, anyway).

2.  I took the girls to "Story Time for Two's" at our public library on Friday morning.  The librarian began the event by going around the circle of toddlers and introducing the little ones to her stuffed kitty cat.  After the librarian greeted Belle and Belle had the chance to pet and "meow" with the cat, the librarian moved on to the next toddler.  Belle jumped up and said the librarian, "You forgot Emily" and made the librarian have her stuffed cat give Emily "kisses."

3. The other night, I was nursing Emily while reading Belle a bedtime story.  Belle got up and headed toward her bedroom door.  Thinking Belle was being an escape artist, I stopped Belle.  She explained, "I am getting you a burp clothe.  How are you going to wipe Emily's mouth?"  Belle also throws away her own and Emily's used diapers without being asked.  How super helpful.

4.  Belle includes Emily in every aspect of her life.  When Belle wakes up, she can't wait to see and kiss Emily.  Belle reports everything to Emily: "Emily, I just brushed my teeth!" and "Emily, Daddy is being silly!"  Belle also looks out for Emily.  When Emily fusses, Belle runs to calm her, and sometimes runs to ask me to pick Emily up.  Last night, Belle announced form the back of the car, "Emily is fussing."

While I would like to take credit for Belle being a Super Big Sister, I really think that we are just lucky.  Our pediatrician affirms that we are lucky that Belle has taken to her little sister and isn't calling for us to flush Emily down the toilet or to send Emily back from whence she came.  Nor is Belle begging for the attention she didn't have to share only two months ago.  Sure, she asked to go "uppy" (be carried) a little more than she used to, but she hasn't yet really acted out besides that.

Yup, Craig, Emily, and I are super lucky that Belle is such a super big sister.

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