Monday, February 9, 2015

Caring Belle

Earlier in the school year, Belle's preschool teacher told the class about her wet basement. Belle reported that Ms. Donna sometimes has to wear rain boots in her basement when there's a big rainstorm because her basement floods. Fast forward to a rain storm we had here in January, which was quite a few months after Ms.Donna's conversation with the students of Belle's class. Belle stopped suddenly, and with concern said, "I wonder if Ms. Donna has to wear her rain boots in her basement today. I hope her basements isn't too flooded." How did Belle remember that anecdote and have the empathy to recall it during a future rainstorm?

Yesterday, Belle and I had a tiff (long story, not worth recounting). In my anger, I threatened to throw away all of the bath toys. Despite Belle's frustration with me in the situation, she screamed, "no! That's not fair to Emily! Emily likes those bath toys." Reading this story here, it may appear that Belle is manipulating the situation by pulling her innocent sister into equation to soften me and therefore Belle's own punishment. But, when the incident occurred, there was not time to think. There was yelling and thoughtless threats, and I don't believe that four year old Belle meant to manipulate. I really think that Belle loves her little sister and feel protective of her.

Belle sometimes acts as if she's 16 (Craig's and I are in for it when she's actually a teenager), but she clearly has a good heart.

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