Saturday, August 3, 2024

"Have a Darlington Day"

In Bergen County, New Jersey, there is a county park called Darlington with a series of lake. Two lakes are purely for swimming, one with floating docks in deep water. The third lake has a floating obastacle course called Wibit. B and a friend enjoy it all on Friday! First, they passed the deep water swimming test so they could swim out to and jump off of the floating docks.
Later, we went to the other part of the couty park to tackle the Wibit (we had timed tickets).
The Wibit was challenging and fun! The kids enjoyed their hour on it.
Just after their time on the Witit ended, a thunderstrom came. We were grateful the storm didn't interfere with their time on the Wibit! We had a picnic lunch udner a pavillion and the kids danced in the rain on the empty beach.
It was all quite an adventure!

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