Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Who's the boss?

I started telling Belle that I am the boss.  When Belle fusses about something, I'll say, "Belle, Mommy is the boss so please do as I say."  I started doing this to remind myself that I am in charge (it's easy to forget since Belle can be so stubborn and strong-willed).
Last week, when Belle was giving me a hard time about brushing her teeth, I reminded Belle that she needed to open her mouth to let me brush her teeth because I am the boss.  Belle responded by saying, "Mommy boss."  Since then, Belle eager shares 'Daddy boss.  Mommy boss."  If I ask her if Belle is the boss, Belle will say, "noooooo."
And yet, who is the boss in our family?  Belle remains on sleep strike.  The other night, I found myself in a sleep stand-off with Belle.  I told her that I would sit in the rocking chair in her room if she lay down in her crib.  She made it clear to me that she would lie down after I was sitting in the rocking chair.  The standoff ended when I sat down and then she lay down, and she eventually fell asleep (after which, I tip-toed out of her room). 
So, Belle will excitedly answer, "who's the boss?" with "Daddy!" but in reality, Belle is the boss of the Tri-Ceps.

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