Saturday, March 9, 2013

Never a dull moment...

After Craig had left for work on Friday morning, the carbon monoxide detector in our basement went off.  I stayed as calm as possible as I moved the girls toward the front door and called the police department.  The dispatcher sent a fire truck and police car to our house and told us to get out of the house while we waited.  We three ladies were still in our pajamas since Belle's school was to open two hours late, and it was snowing out.  The dispatcher said standing inside but near an open door was probably OK for the few minutes it would take for the crew to arrive.

Long story short: there were high levels of carbon monoxide in the garage and the basement, likely a result of  Craig warming up his car, which had been parked backwards in the driveway, while he removed the snow from the car and driveway with the garage door open.  The firemen and policeman were super helpful and made the house safe again.  This involved opening windows all over the house (during a snowstorm), so we three ladies, in our PJs, had a mandated playdate with Joey and Mina down the street.  The toddlers watched the snow fall and jumped on a trampoline.  It turned into a super fun PJ party.  We went home after lunch when the house was carbon monoxide-free and warm again.

Joey and Belle in their PJs jumping on the trampoline.
The fire fighting crew who saved the day on a snowy Friday morning.

Joey and Belle watching the snow fall during the CO-driven play date on Friday morning.

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