Tuesday, September 3, 2019

The price of sleep

Who knew one could buy a good night's sleep for $9.99 on Amazon?

I'll explain:

Sadie went on crib-strike a while ago.  She wanted only to sleep on the floor of her room.  Strange but fine.

After the third time she accidentally rolled under the crib and woke up disoriented and screaming, we disassembled the crib and brought out the toddler bed.  Sadie figured out pretty quickly that, unlike the crib, she could get out of the toddler bed.  So she did. Over and over and over.  Like a boomerang. I'd put her down, leave the room, turn around, and she'd be right behind me.  And she wouldn't stay asleep. One night, I went to her at 2am and ended up sleeping on the floor of her room until 7am.

That morning, Craig and I went on Amazon and bought a set of five Sesame Street figurines for $9.99.  They arrived the next day.  We explained to Sadie that she could get one figurine if she slept through the night in her bed and did not wake me during the night.  The first night, she went to bed nicely, but woke me up in the middle of the night.  The second night she earned herself an Elmo figurine. AN ELMO FIGURINE! She felt like she won the lottery! Really, I felt like I won the lottery because I had a rare sleepFULL night!  The next night, which was last night, she slept beautifully and earned herself Grover.  Tonight she went to sleep sweetly and calmly and said, "Tomorrow, I get Abby Cadabby."

Not sure what the plan is after we exhaust the five toys, but I will happily buy another $9.99 worth of rewards to continue this amazing sleep.

Now if only the Sadie's sisters would sleep better...

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