Thursday, July 9, 2009

Why Craig Smells Like Women's Deodorant

So tonight we showered after checking out the Tel Aviv beach and before dinner with Rachel, Benjy (a Cornell friend who lives in TA) and Rachel's friend Adena. After showering, I went to put on deodorant and it broke apart. No worries, I thought, I would just buy some. We found an AM/PM which is like an Israeli 7/11 and went to work. One was too big, one too small and found a just right one. It, naturally, was behind some others. As we reached to grab the just right one (Men's Speed Stick), we knocked a few off the shelf. One canister (?) fell on the ground and cracked open, exploding liquid women's deodorant all over, including my legs. Despite paper towelling clean, my legs smell like women's deodorant and slightly sting. I can't say it's the best I've ever smelled, but I do now smell like it. I can't wait to shower again.

We're just finishing dinner at a hippie Indian restaurant in TA. Delicious.

Finally, we're looking at the same full moon as everyone else. And it's beautiful (granted the full moon was really a couple of days ago. Tonight is the 18th day of the Jewish month of Tammuz. The full moon is the 14th or 15th of the month). Thanks Grandma Ann.

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