Monday, July 11, 2011

Center of the circle in music class

Belle and I ducked into a "musical playdate" today to take a break from the heat.  Belle and I make so many friends at music class and out and about because Belle is now mobile and extremely friendly.  Belle will crawl into the center of the circle and crawl out from time to time to say hello to a baby and caregiver sitting on the circle's perimeter.  "Saying hello" usually involves smiling, waving, petting, reach for a water bottle or shoe or something else to eat, or just crawling to sit near for a few minutes.  I run around the outside of the circle and meet her on the perimeter when she pays another baby a visit.  This is when I make friends, chatting with Belle's new friends' parents or babysitters.  I hope Belle remains friendly as she grows.  Anyway, between the other people in the room and the music, and the chance to crawl and crawl and crawl, Belle and I had a wonderful time in music class today!

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