Wednesday, July 20, 2011

"It's just a phase"

Remember how much Belle enjoyed her bath? That is no more. She suddenly one day hated bath time. She screams in the tub, and even tries to climb out of it (which feels quite dangerous). I tried a few tricks to see if I could help Belle remember how much fun bath time is. I bathed her earlier, thinking she was perhaps too tried- overtired- which made it hard for her to enjoy the bath. Nope- she still screamed as if I were trying to cook her in the tub. I made the water cooler figuring that she likes the swimming pool so maybe she'd like a pool-like bath. She screamed so loud, I worried the neighbors would call the Department of Children and Family Services.

I finally called Belle's pediatrician to get some new ideas and was comforted to hear that this anti-bath protest is "just a phase," meaning it's not so uncommon and it will end. The doc gave me a few new tips, one of which I tried last night. I bathed her while holding her in the shower. She screamed, of course, and I learned that babies are quite slippery when wet. The doc suggested just giving her a sponge bath, but Belle's hair is so long and gets so dirty with sweat and food that a sponge bath seems inadequate.

I guess I'll continue to patiently and carefully bathe her while wait out this phase. Thank goodness it is just a phase.

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