Monday, January 9, 2012

My little picker-upper

I took Belle to Story Time at the local Barnes and Noble. It is a wonderful event where a bookstore employee plays his guitar and leads the parents and babies in fun children's songs. He then reads two children's books, and follows up with more singing. Belle and I had a wonderful time! It was a large and diverse group of people, and we made some friends!

Story time winds down into coloring time: the singer/reader brings out a bucket of crayons and some papers with blank animals waiting to be colored. The older children grab fistfuls of crayons to color in their elephants and horses and pigs. Belle wasn't interested in coloring; she didn't take a piece of paper. Rather, Belle went around to the children with their piles of crayons and picked up the crayons to bring them back to the bucket. Yup, Belle was cleaning up. It really was quite funny; most children enjoyed making a mess, but Belle wanted to pick up the crayons and put them away.

We'll be at Story Time again. It was fun!

Incidentally, we followed-up Story Time with a visit to Daddy, since his office is so close to the book store. It was a brief but nice visit. After all that activity, Belle was pretty wiped out: she came home and passed out. In fact, as I write this, Belle's nap is nearing the hour-mark. She is fully dressed (minus her sneakers) and hasn't eaten dinner. I sure hope she wakes up soon, or I could be in for a funny night (and I don't mean "haha" funny)...

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