Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Language Development

It was astounding to witness Belle's language development over our week together on vacation.  For example, a week ago, Belle pointed to the Chobani Champions Greek yogurt in the fridge and said "please" when she wanted to eat yogurt.  A few days into our trip, Belle started saying "tiggitt" when she wanted yogurt.  A few days ago, Belle started clearly asking for "yogurt, please."  In fact, Belle can now ask for all of her favorite food by name: Cheerios, applesauce, apricots (dried), cheese, yogurt, cookies (which still refers to anything that doesn't otherwise have a name), steak (Craig is so proud), milk and water.  Of course, I wonder if she learned the words because she likes the foods, or if she gets those foods more since she is able to say the words to ask for them by name.

Belle also repeats everything we say, so it is officially time to watch what we say around her.  She sometimes sounds like ET, repeating the last few or the key words of something we say to her: "Belle, come over here right now" gets repeated back as "Belle come now."

When Belle fell in the playroom yesterday, she asked me to "kiss knee, please."  She actually answers "yes" to some questions now, despite her favorite word being "no."  She can say people's names and greet them appropriately: "Hello, Jordan!"  "Bye Bye, Claire."

This language development, like most stages in Belle's growth, draws attention to the fact that I am a sucker.  Last night, when I was putting Belle to bed, Belle asked for "more song, please."  Being the sucker I am, I ended up singing a whole concert to her.  I finally said, "Belle, this will be the last song."  After, Belle asked for, "last song, please."

1 comment:

  1. What a smart little one you've got! She'll grow up to be nice and #chobanipowered at the rate she's going.

