Wednesday, June 19, 2013

My least favorite verse of The Wheels on the Bus

I took my munchkins to 'Circle Time' at a local public library.  Twas fun!  We warmed up singing songs, including The Wheels on the Bus.  I HATE that, after the babies on the bus go "waaaa waaaa waaaa," the mommies on the bus go, "shhhh shhhh shhh," and then the daddies on the bus go, 'I love you I love you I love you."  Why do the mommies have the be the enforcers, and then the dads get to come in later and just be nice? 

C'mon, The Wheels on the Bus singers, cut the mommies some slack.

I always lean in to Belle and sing "The mommies on the say, 'I love you...'" and then "The daddies on the bus say, 'I love you too...'"

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