Sunday, April 17, 2011

The moon and the stars

We attended our friends' son's bris this morning (Mazel tov!) and I was struck by three things:

1. It is really rather funny (and award) that people gather to watch a circumcision. Ouch. Ew. Really?

2. What a challenge to brand new parents to have to plan and host a party a week after entering parenthood. These new parents aren't sleeping while they struggle to figure out how to be a mom and a dad. Mom is recovering from birth and dealing with unnervingly unpredictable postpartum hormones. Yet, they must put on a smile (and a dress or tie) and entertain guests who want to watch their newborn's penis get snipped.

3. Both parents at this morning's bris spoke beautifully (and admirably, especially considering the above about being new parents and all) at the end of the ceremony. They explained their son's Hebrew and English first and middle names. The mother spoke of her grandfather, whom she honored by using his name as her son's middle name. Our friend said that her grandfather adored his family and would tell his children and grandchildren that he would do anything for them- even get them the moon and stars- because he loved them so much. This new mom said that after being a parent for one short week, she is beginning to more fully understand her grandfather's sentiment and what it means to love a child- one's own child. As she closed her remarks this morning, she promised her eight-day-old son that, if wanted the moon and the stars, she'd try to get them for him.

Our new mom friend so beautifully articulated how I feel about Belle, as well as my immediate ancestors. I would do anything for Belle, whom I love more than I ever thought possible. And I now better understand my parents and grandparents because I am beginning to see what they went through raising my brother and me.

Belle, I would try to get you the moon and stars, the sun and clouds, a rainbow.

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