Thursday, August 11, 2011

The happiest place on Earth

Nope- it's not Disney Land. It's Wegmans!

Craig had a mini-man-spa experience: he went to his old barber shop for a shave and a haircut ("two bit"- it was more than two bits, but that's how the ditty goes). After we dropped Craig off, Belle and I went to Wegmans! We walked around and smiled at fellow happy shoppers. Then we settled into the candy department. There is a toy train that goes around and around it- how fun! Belle sat and played with the candy (she especially enjoyed taking apart the Pez display, which I promptly reassembled). Between the bright colors, friendly shoppers and toy train, Belle was one happy little girl. I sipped my Weggies coffee and wished we lived closer to the most wonderful supermarket ever.

(see my purple Wegmans coffee on the right and the toy train in the upper left corner)

(Here Belle disassembles the Pez disperser display case- what fun!)

After, we picked Craig up, we three went beer tasting at the Ithaca Beer Co. Well, only two of tasted the beer. Belle walked around and made friends with the other Ithaca Beer fans.

Lunch at the famous vegetarian Moosewood Restaurant followed by playing in the park with our newlywed friends, and it was one super fantastic vacation day.

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