Saturday, August 20, 2011

Sick baby = snuggle time!

The bad news: Belle woke up this morning with a fever. The silver lining: she was so sleeping and snuggly that she and I spent a few hours this morning (on and off from 6am until after noon) snuggling and napping. It was the most restful morning we've had in months (the whole year maybe?). I actual felt well-rested when we finally began our shortly after noon when her fever went down. Sick babies are lethargic and clingy and needy and whiny. Belle was heavy on the three former and light on the latter and it made for a most cuddly, sleepful day.

If I couldn't bring her fever down (the Advil helped), at least I could keep her comfy and well-cuddled while the fever ran its course. I hope Belle's fever breaks and she quickly returns to her fully healthy state. If not, more snuggle-sleeping tomorrow.

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