Thursday, March 31, 2011

Good parenting or sleep train derailment?

Last night, for the eighth night in a row, I put Belle to sleep in the Pack-N-Play in the living room after the 12:45am feeding. When I heard her scream at 2am, I was concerned, She usually doesn't make a peep until later in the morning, and she hasn't yet screamed (she just sort of fusses). When the crying continued past a few minutes (Belle has never cried for more than a few minutes in the middle of the night), I threw thought about her fussiness since Sunday. She's just been more needy and more fussy and less smiley since Sunday. Yesterday, her nose started running like a faucet (thanks, Cousin Noah, though we were warned about your cold before we visited on Sunday afternoon) and I had a hard time keeping up with it between the tissues and the Nose Frida (superior to a regular baby aspirator).

Anyway, when I ignore the rules of sleep training and went to Belle at 2:30am, her face was wet with tears and snot (gross, but more so sad) and her heard felt quite warm: a fever. I calmed her down, gave her Tylenol, and settled her into the car seat so she'd be upright. She slept then until her usual 6:20am.

I'll call off my search for a tooth because I think this cold is the culprit of her recent fussiness. And I trust that the sleep trainers will forgive this one exception to the golden rule of leaving the baby alone while "in training."

I hope Belle feels better soon.

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