Sunday, March 20, 2011

Humble, yet stronger

I have found in these six and a half months that being a parent is both humbling and empowering.

It is extremely humbling to be feel so unprepared for a role I have looked forward to my whole life. I have always loved babies and children- ti's one of the reasons I became a teacher- so I was so thrilled to become a mother. Little did I know that my days as a mother's helper, babysitter and teacher offered little aid to me in this role. I quickly found myself at the mercy of this tony two-foot-tall creature who became the boss of me on August 29 (she asserted her status as boss and made it clear that my schedule was hers when she arrived six days early). The physical discomfort, the challenges of nursing, the feeling that I have no idea what I'm doing: all so humbling.

And yet, I have the confidence that I am able to function (barely) on only a few hours of sleep (I still have yet to sleep more than four consecutive hours). And who knew I had the strength to carry a thirty pound stroller up a flight of stairs? I have successfully taken risks in trying new activities (Mommy and Me Yoga and Pilates) and reaffirmed my ability to make new friends (it's so wonderful to have other friends who are moms, especially ones with babies Belle's age).

It's amazing how motherhood is an exercise in humility while at the same time building my self-confidence.

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